Comments on FINRA Rulemaking

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Implementation Date of Certain Amendments to FINRA Rule 4210 Approved Pursuant to SR-FINRA-2015-036

[Release No. 34-98349; File No. SR-FINRA-2023-011]

Submitted Comments

Sep. 18, 2023 Nathan Sharpe
Sep. 17, 2023 Jean Garcia-Gomez, Individual Investor
Sep. 17, 2023 Anonymous
Sep. 16, 2023 Angel Gonzalez
Sep. 16, 2023 Cathy Gasper
Sep. 15, 2023 Andy Shevlin
Sep. 15, 2023 Stacie Wilson
Sep. 15, 2023 Alan Quintero Mendez
Sep. 15, 2023 Jens Brage
Sep. 14, 2023 Edward Joseph, Investor
Sep. 14, 2023 Lee Edward Harris., Lee Harris Jr.
Sep. 14, 2023 Stephen Dancsec
Sep. 14, 2023 Adam, Retail
Sep. 14, 2023 Will Banks
Sep. 14, 2023 Alberto Jesus Vidaud
Sep. 14, 2023 Steve C.
Sep. 14, 2023 Amy
Sep. 14, 2023 Anonymous
Sep. 14, 2023 Kristoffer S.
Sep. 14, 2023 Nick Zacher
Sep. 14, 2023 Sebastian Stankiewicz
Sep. 14, 2023 Joseph Bumstead
Sep. 14, 2023 Damon Smith
Sep. 14, 2023 Dr. Paul Pritchard, Investor
Sep. 14, 2023 Tokin Spam
Sep. 14, 2023 Anonymous
Sep. 14, 2023 Brad Allen
Sep. 14, 2023 Angel Gonzalez
Sep. 14, 2023 Luke Allison
Sep. 14, 2023 Nate
Sep. 14, 2023 Kevin, Information Technology
Sep. 14, 2023 Kimberly
Sep. 14, 2023 John Meyer
Sep. 14, 2023 Alpha Medsource
Sep. 14, 2023 John Parker
Sep. 14, 2023 Emily
Sep. 14, 2023 Jay Elliott
Sep. 14, 2023 Hunter Johnson
Sep. 14, 2023 Anonymous
Sep. 14, 2023 Marcus
Sep. 14, 2023 Matt Ujevich
Sep. 14, 2023 Jeff Weldon
Sep. 14, 2023 Seth Rumbaugh
Sep. 14, 2023 Stacy Andelin
Sep. 14, 2023 Michal Mazur
Sep. 14, 2023 Anonymous
Sep. 14, 2023 John Burge
Sep. 14, 2023 Jimmy Jefferson
Sep. 14, 2023 Connor G.
Sep. 14, 2023 Jason Lynn
Sep. 14, 2023 Rob Doherty
Sep. 14, 2023 Jennifer Madden
Sep. 14, 2023 James Madden
Sep. 14, 2023 K. Iversen
Sep. 14, 2023 Callum Donaldson