Subject: SR-FINRA-2023-011: Webform Comments from Cathy Gasper
From: Cathy Gasper
Affiliation: Dumb Money

Sep. 16, 2023

I am writing about File Number SR-FINRA-2023-011. I am
upset and shocked this is even a proposal. They/You have kicked the
can since 2016 with extension after extension. It's time to stop
the corruption and implement this rule. There has been plenty of time
to put all in place to expedite this rule. It's bad enough they
are allowed to be 'self-regulating.' When is the madness
going to end? When do 'common people' get a fair and free
market? This is a great opportunity for you to prove to us you are
meeting your Mission to Protect investors and Maintain fair, orderly,
and efficient markets. Please stop the stupidity. NO MORE