
The Office of Acquisitions develops and executes the SEC’s acquisitions policy. The office oversees procurement and contract planning, execution, administration and management, contract closeout; acquisitions workforce training and certification; government purchase cards, and other related federal procurement activities.

Vance Cathell

Director, Office of Acquisitions

Contact the Office


Doing Business With the SEC

Small businesses interested in doing business with the SEC should review this information sheet.

Unsolicited Contract Proposals

The SEC encourages submissions of unsolicited proposals from those with a unique product or service that they feel would help the SEC accomplish its mission.

Potential Contracting Opportunities Forecast

An estimate of potential contracting opportunities within a fiscal year based on information known at the time of the list's development.

Subcontracting Opportunities

Strategies to assist small businesses in identifying and understanding potential subcontracting opportunities.

Enterprise Vehicle List

General information on current contract vehicles for potential enterprise-wide use at the SEC.