Understand EDGAR and its Three Websites
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- Use the EDGAR Filer Management website to...
- Use the EDGAR Filing website to...
- Use the EDGAR Online Forms Management website to...
You can access EDGAR through one of the three websites—the EDGAR Filer Management Website, the EDGAR Filing Website, and the EDGAR Online Forms Management Website. Please be sure to use the correct website for your filing needs.
EDGAR is available for filing from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. Transmissions to EDGAR submitted before 10:00 p.m. ET will be processed. EDGAR is unavailable for filing after 10:00 p.m. ET and all transmissions after that time will have to be submitted the next business day.
Use the Filer Management Website if you want to:
Apply for EDGAR access (Form ID). If you as an individual, another individual whom you represent, or a company that you represent wants to begin filing electronically with EDGAR, you must fill out the Form ID online and follow the accompanying instructions, including uploading a notarized copy of the form.
Generate EDGAR access codes. As a new user, you can generate EDGAR access codes—a password, password modification access code (PMAC), or CIK confirmation code (CCC)—when your initial application for EDGAR access has been accepted.
As an existing user, you can generate EDGAR access codes when:
- Your password has expired.
- You have forgotten all of your EDGAR access codes (existing user).
- You need to change your access codes for security (i.e., they have been compromised).
Apply for EDGAR access as an applicant who has a CIK but no access codes (formerly Convert Paper Only Filer to Electronic Filer). If you or your company has a CIK, but does not have EDGAR access codes, you must apply to begin filing electronically in EDGAR.
Access for new serial companies. You may apply for EDGAR access after a new serial company has been created (a new serial company is created by SEC acceptance of your submitted Form 424B or Form 424H).
Use the EDGAR Filing Website if you want to:
Retrieve and/or edit company and submission data. You may:
- Update company information.
- Change company password or CCC.
- Retrieve submission information.
- Retrieve return copies.
- Request creation of asset-backed securities (ABS) issuing entities.
- Retrieve module/segment information.
- Enter series and classes (contracts) information.
- Request return of unused funds.
- Retrieve balance information.
- View account activity statement.
- Transmit submissions. You may transmit single or bulk filings.
Update password/CCC. You may change the password or CCC relating to your CIK.
File the following forms:
- Draft submissions
- Regulation crowdfunding
- Transfer agent forms
- EDGARLinkOnline forms (including many public company and investment company forms)
- Regulation A forms
- Form 13H variants (13H, 13H-A, 13H-Q, 13H-I, 13H-T, and 13H-R)
- Form 13F variants (13F-HR, 13F-HR/A, 13F-NT, and 13F-NT/A)
- Form SDR variants (SDR, SDR/A, SDR-A, and SDR-W)
- Municipal advisor forms (MA, MA-A, MA/A, MA-I, MA-I/A, and MA-W)
- Form X-17A-5 part III variants (X-17A-5 and X-17A-5/A)
- Form 17-H variants (17HACON, 17HACON/A, 17HQCON, and 17HQCON/A)
Use the Online Forms Management Website if you want to:
Transmit ownership forms. Enter and assemble all relevant information (including attached documents) for an ownership submission (specifically form types 3, 3/A, 4, 4/A, 5 and 5/A).
Transmit notice of proposed sale of security, Form 144 and 144/A.
Assemble and submit Regulation D (Form D) forms.
Transmit XML submissions. Submit filer-constructed XML submissions assembled offline.
Retrieve submission information/edit company information. Access your company information by entering a CIK/CCC to retrieve submission information; edit company information; download a return copy if applicable; and change the password/CCC for the CIK.
What website is used to file the electronic Form D?
The electronic Form D is accessible by logging in to the Online Forms Management Website.
Please note that there is a common error you may encounter when your pop-up blocker is enabled. After you select the type of filing and select the Next button, instead of the form opening you will see an error message stating there is currently a Form D in progress. Or you could be re-routed to the OnlineForms Filer News page.
To address this error, make sure to disable your pop-up blocker before selecting File Form D from the main menu. If the Form D still does not open in a new window:
- Delete the browsing history within your browser settings,
- Close the browsing session, and
- Log in again using one of the recommended browsers for EDGAR—Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
Last Reviewed or Updated: Oct. 31, 2024