
The Options Clearing Corporation Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-86731 Aug 22, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-005 The Options Clearing Corporation Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Vanilla Option Model and Smoothing Algorithm
34-86725 Aug 21, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-007 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Concerning a Proposed Capital Management Policy That Would Support The Options Clearing Corporation's Function as a Systemically Important Financial Market Utility
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See Also - Exhibit 3g, Exhibit 5b, Exhibit 5c, Exhibit 3g, Exhibit 5b, Exhibit 5c
34-86436 Jul 23, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-006 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Make Administrative Updates to The Options Clearing Corporation's Risk Management Policies
34-86296 Jul 3, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-005 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Related to the Options Clearing Corporation's Vanilla Option Model and Smoothing Algorithm
34-86119 Jun 17, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-004 The Options Clearing Corporation Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Related to the Introduction of a New Liquidation Cost Model in the Options Clearing Corporation's Margin Methodology
34-85873 May 16, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-002 The Options Clearing Corporation Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Margin Methodology for Volatility Index Futures
34-85779 May 6, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-003 The Options Clearing Corporation Order Approving Proposed Rule Change To Require That an Actionable Identifier Be Included on Customer and Non-Customer Securities Options Trades Other Than Market Maker Trades
34-85755 Apr 30, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-004 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Related to the Introduction of a New Liquidation Cost Model in The Options Clearing Corporation's Margin Methodology
34-85441 Mar 28, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-003 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Require That an Actionable Identifier Be Included on Customer and Non-Customer Securities Options Trades Other Than Market Maker Trades
34-85440 Mar 28, 2019 SR-OCC-2019-002 The Options Clearing Corporation Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Margin Methodology for Volatility Index Futures