
National Market System Plans (NMS) Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-56926 Dec 7, 2007 SR-OPRA-2007-05 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Filing of Proposed Amendment to the Plan for Reporting of Consolidated Options Last Sale Reports and Quotation Information To Adopt New Form of Rider to OPRA's Vendor Agreement for Use by Television Companies T
See Also - Release No. 34-57233
34-56904 Dec 5, 2007 SR-CTA-2007-02 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Filing of the Eleventh Substantive Amendment to the Second Restatement of the Consolidated Tape Association Plan
See Also - Release No. 34-57113
34-56893 Dec 4, 2007 4-429 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Summary Effectiveness on a Temporary Basis of Joint Amendment No. 25 to the Plan for the Purpose of Creating and Operating an Intermarket Option Linkage Relating to Response Time for Certain Orders Sent Through the Linkage, and Notice of Filing of Such Amendment
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See Also - Release Nos. 34-57238, Release Nos. 34-56806, 34-56780, 34-56605, 34-56596, and 34-55744, and 34-55436
34-56806 Nov 16, 2007 4-429 National Market System Plans (NMS) Order Approving Joint Amendment No. 24 to the Plan for the Purpose of Creating and Operating an Intermarket Option Linkage Regarding Elimination of the Class Gate
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See Also - 34-56780, 34-56605, 34-56596, and 34-55744, and 34-55436
34-56780 Nov 13, 2007 4-429 National Market System Plans (NMS) Order Approving Joint Amendment No. 23 to the Plan for the Purpose of Creating and Operating an Intermarket Option Linkage To Permit the Use of Linkage Prior to the Opening of Trading
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See Also - Release Nos. 34-56806, 34-56605, 34-56596, and 34-55744, and 34-55436
34-56605 Oct 3, 2007 4-429 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Filing of Joint Amendment No. 23 to the Intermarket Option Linkage Plan To Permit the Use of Linkage Prior to the Opening of Trading
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See Also - Release Nos. 34-56893, Release Nos. 34-56806, 34-56780, 34-56596, and 34-55744, and 34-55436
34-56596 Oct 2, 2007 4-429 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Filing of Joint Amendment No. 24 to the Plan for the Purpose of Creating and Operating an Intermarket Option Linkage Regarding Elimination of the Class Gate
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See Also - Release Nos. 34-56893, Release Nos. 34-56806, 34-56780, 34-56605, and 34-55744, and 34-55436
34-56304 Aug 22, 2007 SR-CTA-2007-01 National Market System Plans (NMS) Order Approving the Ninth Charges Amendment to the Second Restatement of the Consolidated Tape Association Plan
See Also - Release No. 34-56134
34-56134 Jul 25, 2007 SR-CTA-2007-01 National Market System Plans (NMS) Notice of Filing of the Ninth Charges Amendment to the Second Restatement of the Consolidated Tape Association Plan
See Also - Release No. 34-56304
34-56037 Jul 10, 2007 4-534 National Market System Plans (NMS) American Stock Exchange LLC, New York Stock Exchange LLC, and NYSE Arca, Inc. and Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., National Stock Exchange, Inc., and Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Proposed National Market System Plans for the Selection and Reservation of Securities Symbols