
National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-82584 Jan 24, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-806 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing and Extension of the Review Period of an Advance Notice to Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes
View Received Comments
See Also - Exhibit 5, Commission's Request for Additional Information, Response to the Commission's Request for Additional Information
34-82403 Dec 26, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-807 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Increase the Authorized Amount Under the Prefunded Liquidity Program
See Also - Rel. No. 34-82676
34-81545 Sep 7, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-804 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to an Advance Notice to Expand the Application of the Family-Issued Securities Charge
See Also - Rel. No. 34-81286
34-81286 Aug 2, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-804 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Expand the Application of the Family-Issued Securities Charge
See Also - Exhibit 5, Rel. No. 34-81545
34-81260 Jul 31, 2017 SR-OCC-2017-804, SR-NSCC-2017-803 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to Advance Notices Concerning the Adoption of a New Stock Options and Futures Settlement Agreement Between the National Securities Clearing Corporation and The Options Clearing Corporation
See Also - Rel. No. 34-81039, Rel. No. 34-81040
34-81039 Jun 28, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-803 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Adopt a New Stock Options and Futures Settlement Agreement with The Options Clearing Corporation
34-80731 May 19, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-801, SR-FICC-2017-804, SR-DTC-2017-801 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN), Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC-AN), The Depository Trust Company (DTC-AN) Notice of No Objection to Advance Notices to Enhance the Credit Risk Rating Matrix and Make Other Changes
See Also - Rel. No. 34-80394, Release No. 34-80395, Rel. No. 34-80396
34-80605 May 5, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-802, SR-DTC-2017-802 The Depository Trust Company (DTC-AN), National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of and No Objection to Advance Notices, as Modified by Amendments No. 1, to Renew the Credit Facility
See Also - Rel. No. 34-80731
34-80396 Apr 7, 2017 SR-NSCC-2017-801 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Enhance the Credit Risk Rating Matrix and Make Other Changes
See Also - Exhibit 5, Rel. No. 34-80731
34-79592 Dec 19, 2016 SR-NSCC-2016-803 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to Advance Notice Filing to Accelerate its Trade Guaranty, Add New Clearing Fund Components, Enhance its Intraday Risk Management, Provide for Loss Allocation of "Off-the-Market Transactions," and Make Other Changes
See Also - Rel. No. 34-79391