Your TSP Account – What to Think About When Nearing Retirement or Considering Leaving the Government

Posted on October 5, 2021

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board co-sponsored a program titled “Your TSP Account – What to Think About When Nearing Retirement or Considering Leaving the Government” at this link:

This event was posted during World Investor Week and is open to all federal employees and members of the uniformed services, and is designed for those who may be considering retiring or leaving federal service.

The program covers Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) distribution options, withdrawals and rollouts. Discussion also covers investment risk and fees, the common red flags of investment fraud, how to check out a financial professional and questions to ask when thinking about moving funds from the TSP.

For More Information

Address all substantive TSP and investment questions to the sources below:
