

Release Number SEC Issue Date File Number Details
33-10842, 34-89891 S7-14-19 Publication or Submission of Quotations Without Specified Information
View Received Comments
See Also - Press Release No. 2020-212, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-87115
Federal Register version (85 FR 68124)
33-10835, 34-89835 S7-02-17 Update of Statistical Disclosures for Bank and Savings and Loan Registrants
See Also - Press Release No. 2020-205, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10688, and Request for Comment Rel. No. 33-10321
Federal Register version (85 FR 66108)
33-10835, 34-89835 S7-02-17 Update of Statistical Disclosures for Bank and Savings and Loan Registrants
See Also - Press Release No. 2020-205, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10688, and Request for Comment Rel. No. 33-10321
Federal Register version (85 FR 66108)
33-10824 S7-25-19 Accredited Investor Definition
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10734, Order Designating Certain Professional Licenses as Qualifying Natural Persons for Accredited Investor Status
Federal Register version (85 FR 64234)
33-10825, 34-89670 S7-11-19 Modernization of Regulation S-K Items 101, 103, and 105
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10668, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 63726)
33-10825, 34-89670 S7-11-19 Modernization of Regulation S-K Items 101, 103, and 105
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10668, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 63726)
34-89618 S7-15-19 Rescission of Effective-Upon-Filing Procedure for NMS Plan Fee Amendments and Modified Procedures for Proposed NMS Plans and Plan Amendments
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-87193
Federal Register version (85 FR 65470)
34-89394 S7-02-16 Covered Broker-Dealer Provisions Under Title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-77157
Federal Register version (85 FR 53645)
34-89372 S7-22-19 Exemptions From the Proxy Rules for Proxy Voting Advice
See Also - Supplemental Guidance Rel. No. IA-5547, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-87457, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 55082)
IC-33921 S7-19-19 Amendments to Procedures With Respect to Applications Under the Investment Company Act of 1940
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. IC-33658, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 57089)
BHCA-9 S7-02-20 Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. BHCA-8, Rel. No. BHCA-9A
Federal Register version (85 FR 46422)
33-10786, 34-88914, IC-33872 S7-05-19 Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10635, Rel. No. 33-10762A, and Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 54002)
33-10786, 34-88914, IC-33872 S7-05-19 Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10635, Rel. No. 33-10762A, and Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 54002)
33-10786, 34-88914, IC-33872 S7-05-19 Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10635, Rel. No. 33-10762A, and Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (85 FR 54002)
34-88890 S7-13-19 Amendments to the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-85823
Federal Register version (85 FR 31322)
34-88616 S7-23-16 Definition of "Covered Clearing Agency"
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-78963
Federal Register version (85 FR 28853)
33-10771, 34–88606, IC–33836 S7-03-19 Securities Offering Reform for Closed-End Investment Companies
See Also - Rel No. 33-10771A, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10619, Form N-2
Federal Register version (85 FR 33290)
33-10771, 34–88606, IC–33836 S7-03-19 Securities Offering Reform for Closed-End Investment Companies
See Also - Rel No. 33-10771A, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10619, Form N-2
Federal Register version (85 FR 33290)
33-10771, 34–88606, IC–33836 S7-03-19 Securities Offering Reform for Closed-End Investment Companies
See Also - Rel No. 33-10771A, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10619, Form N-2
Federal Register version (85 FR 33290)
34-88365 S7-06-19 Accelerated Filer and Large Accelerated Filer Definitions
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Correction to the Final Rule, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-85814
Federal Register version (85 FR 17178)
33-10765, 34-88358, IC-33814, 33-10605 S7-23-18 Updated Disclosure Requirements and Summary Prospectus for Variable Annuity and Variable Life Insurance Contracts
See Also - 33-10569, Rel. No. 33-10765A, Form N-3, Form N-4, Form N-6
Federal Register version (85 FR 29614)
33-10765, 34-88358, IC-33814, 33-10605 S7-23-18 Updated Disclosure Requirements and Summary Prospectus for Variable Annuity and Variable Life Insurance Contracts
See Also - 33-10569, Rel. No. 33-10765A, Form N-3, Form N-4, Form N-6
Federal Register version (85 FR 29614)
33-10765, 34-88358, IC-33814, 33-10605 S7-23-18 Updated Disclosure Requirements and Summary Prospectus for Variable Annuity and Variable Life Insurance Contracts
See Also - 33-10569, Rel. No. 33-10765A, Form N-3, Form N-4, Form N-6
Federal Register version (85 FR 29614)
33-10762, 34-88307, 33-10526 S7-19-18 Financial Disclosures About Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize a Registrant's Securities
See Also - Rel. No. 33-10762A
Federal Register version (85 FR 21940)
33-10762, 34-88307, 33-10526 S7-19-18 Financial Disclosures About Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize a Registrant's Securities
See Also - Rel. No. 33-10762A
Federal Register version (85 FR 21940)
33-10762, 34-88307, 33-10526 S7-19-18 Financial Disclosures About Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize a Registrant's Securities
See Also - Rel. No. 33-10762A
Federal Register version (85 FR 21940)
IA-5454 Exemptions From Investment Adviser Registration for Advisers to Certain Rural Business Investment Companies
Federal Register version (85 FR 13734)
33-10757, 34-88245, IA-5446, IC-33802 Delegation of Authority to the General Counsel of the Commission
Federal Register version (85 FR 12221)
33-10757, 34-88245, IA-5446, IC-33802 Delegation of Authority to the General Counsel of the Commission
Federal Register version (85 FR 12221)
33-10757, 34-88245, IA-5446, IC-33802 Delegation of Authority to the General Counsel of the Commission
Federal Register version (85 FR 12221)
33-10757, 34-88245, IA-5446, IC-33802 Delegation of Authority to the General Counsel of the Commission
Federal Register version (85 FR 12221)
33-10749, 34-88040, 39-2530, IC-33792 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (85 FR 9365)
33-10749, 34-88040, 39-2530, IC-33792 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (85 FR 9365)
33-10749, 34-88040, 39-2530, IC-33792 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (85 FR 9365)
33-10749, 34-88040, 39-2530, IC-33792 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (85 FR 9365)
34-87780 S7-07-19 Cross-Border Application of Certain Security-Based Swap Requirements
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-85823
Federal Register version (85 FR 6270)
34-87782 S7-28-18 Risk Mitigation Techniques for Uncleared Security-Based Swaps
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-84861
Federal Register version (85 FR 6359)
33-10709, 34-87148, 39-2529, IC-33650 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 56938)
33-10709, 34-87148, 39-2529, IC-33650 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 56938)
33-10709, 34-87148, 39-2529, IC-33650 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 56938)
33-10709, 34-87148, 39-2529, IC-33650 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 56938)
33-10695, : IC-33646 S7-15-18 Exchange-Traded Funds
See Also - Exemptive Order Rel. No. 34-87110, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10515, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 57162)
33-10699 S7-01-19 Solicitations of Interest Prior to a Registered Public Offering
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10607
Federal Register version (84 FR 53011)
33-10695, : IC-33646 S7-15-18 Exchange-Traded Funds
See Also - Exemptive Order Rel. No. 34-87110, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10515, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 57162)
34-87005 S7-05-14 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Security-Based Swap Dealers, Major Security-Based Swap Participants, and Broker-Dealers
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-71958, Rel. No. 34-87005A, Rel. No. 34-87005B, Rel. No. 34-87005C, Rel. No. 34-87005D
Federal Register version (84 FR 68550)
BHCA-7 S7-14-18 Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. Nos. BHCA-4, BHCA-3
Federal Register version (84 FR 61974)
34-86982 S7-09-17 Technical Amendments To Update Cross-References to Commission's FOIA Regulations
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-82373
Federal Register version (84 FR 50737)
34-86590 S7-22-18 Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-84289
Federal Register version (84 FR 40247)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
33-10618A, 34-85381A, IA-5206A, IC-33426A S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K; Correction
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 39966)
BHCA-6 S7-30-18 Revisions to Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. BHCA-5
Federal Register version (84 FR 38115)
34-86175 S7-08-12 Capital, Margin, and Segregation Requirements for Security-Based Swap Dealers and Major Security-Based Swap Participants and Capital and Segregation Requirements for Broker-Dealers
See Also - Proposed Rules Release No. 34-84409, Proposed Rule Release Nos. 34-69491, Release No. 34-68660, Release No. 34-68071, Technical Amendment
Federal Register version (84 FR 43872)
33-10648, 34-86127, FR-85, IA-5255, IC-33511 S7-10-18 Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 33-10491, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 32040)
33-10648, 34-86127, FR-85, IA-5255, IC-33511 S7-10-18 Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 33-10491, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 32040)
33-10648, 34-86127, FR-85, IA-5255, IC-33511 S7-10-18 Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 33-10491, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 32040)
33-10648, 34-86127, FR-85, IA-5255, IC-33511 S7-10-18 Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 33-10491, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 32040)
33-10648, 34-86127, FR-85, IA-5255, IC-33511 S7-10-18 Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 33-10491, Small Entity Compliance Guide
Federal Register version (84 FR 32040)
34-86073 S7-21-18 Amendment to Single Issuer Exemption for Broker-Dealers
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 34-84225
Federal Register version (84 FR 27708)
33-10645, 34-86070, 39-2526, IC-33504 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 31192)
33-10645, 34-86070, 39-2526, IC-33504 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 31192)
33-10645, 34-86070, 39-2526, IC-33504 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 31192)
34-86031 S7-07-18 Regulation Best Interest: The Broker-Dealer Standard of Conduct
See Also - Regulation Best Interest, Commission Interpretation Regarding Standard of Conduct for Investment Advisers, Commission Interpretation Regarding the Solely Incidental Prong of the Broker-Dealer Exclusion from the Definition of Investment Adviser
Federal Register version (84 FR 39178)
34-86032, IA-5247 S7-08-18 Form CRS Relationship Summary; Amendments to Form ADV
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 34-83063, Form ADV General Instructions, Instructions to Form CRS, Feedback Forms Comment Summary
Federal Register version (84 FR 33492)
34-86032, IA-5247 S7-08-18 Form CRS Relationship Summary; Amendments to Form ADV
See Also - Proposed Rule Release No. 34-83063, Form ADV General Instructions, Instructions to Form CRS, Feedback Forms Comment Summary
Federal Register version (84 FR 33492)
34-85714 S7-14-16 Disclosure of Order Handling Information
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-78309
Federal Register version (84 FR 18136)
34-85437 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Hearing Officers
Federal Register version (84 FR 12906)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10618, 34-85381, IA-5206, IC-33426 S7-08-17 FAST Act Modernization and Simplification of Regulation S-K
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10425
Federal Register version (84 FR 13796)
33-10615, 34-85296, 39-2525, IC-33398 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 12073)
33-10615, 34-85296, 39-2525, IC-33398 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 12073)
33-10615, 34-85296, 39-2525, IC-33398 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 12073)
33-10615, 34-85296, 39-2525, IC-33398 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (84 FR 12073)
33-10593 S7-01-15 Disclosure of Hedging by Employees, Officers and Directors
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-9723
Federal Register version (84 FR 2402)
33-10591 S7-29-18 Conditional Small Issues Exemption Under the Securities Act of 1933 (Regulation A)
Comments Due: 30 days after publication in the Federal Register
View Received Comments
Federal Register version (84 FR 520)
34-84858 S7-14-15 Applications by Security-Based Swap Dealers or Major Security-Based Swap Participants for Statutorily Disqualified Associated Persons To Effect or Be Involved in Effecting Security-Based Swaps
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-75612
Federal Register version (84 FR 4906)
34-84875 S7-05-18 Transaction Fee Pilot for NMS Stocks
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-82873, S Joinder in Motions for Stay, and NYSE Chicago, Exhibit A, and Exhibit B, Inc., Order Issuing Stay, Notice Establishing the Commencement and Termination Dates of the Pre-Pilot Period of the Transaction Fee Pilot for National Market System Stocks
Federal Register version (84 FR 5202)
33-10585, 34-84825, 39-2524, IC-33324 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (83 FR 66100)
33-10585, 34-84825, 39-2524, IC-33324 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (83 FR 66100)
33-10585, 34-84825, 39-2524, IC-33324 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (83 FR 66100)
33-10585, 34-84825, 39-2524, IC-33324 Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
Federal Register version (83 FR 66100)
33-10580, 34-84710, IC-33311 S7-11-18 Covered Investment Fund Research Reports
Comments Due: Comments regarding the collection of information requirements within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 should be received on or before February 11, 2019
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10498
Federal Register version (83 FR 64180)
33-10580, 34-84710, IC-33311 S7-11-18 Covered Investment Fund Research Reports
Comments Due: Comments regarding the collection of information requirements within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 should be received on or before February 11, 2019
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10498
Federal Register version (83 FR 64180)
33-10580, 34-84710, IC-33311 S7-11-18 Covered Investment Fund Research Reports
Comments Due: Comments regarding the collection of information requirements within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 should be received on or before February 11, 2019
See Also - Small Entity Compliance Guide, Proposed Rule Rel. No. 33-10498
Federal Register version (83 FR 64180)
33-10577 S7-04-18 Form N-1A; Correction
File Nos.: S7-08-15, S7-04-18 Federal Register version (83 FR 62454)
33-10577 S7-08-15 Form N-1A; Correction
File Nos.: S7-08-15, S7-04-18 Federal Register version (83 FR 62454)
33-10577 S7-08-15 Form N-1A; Correction
File Nos.: S7-08-15, S7-04-18 Federal Register version (83 FR 62454)
33-10577 S7-08-15 Form N-1A; Correction
File Nos.: S7-08-15, S7-04-18 Federal Register version (83 FR 62454)
34-84541 S7-23-15 Regulation of NMS Stock Alternative Trading Systems
See Also - Proposed Rule Rel. No. 34-76474
Federal Register version (83 FR 56257)