Capital-Raising Building Blocks
Explore the fundamentals of capital raising with the Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation.
Getting Ready to Raise Capital
Ready to Raise CAPITAL
How do I know when I am ready to raise capital from investors?
Entrepreneurial Support Organizations
Get the 411 on entrepreneurial support organizations.
Financial Statements: Balance Sheet
Master the anatomy of the balance sheet.
Financial Statements: Income Statement
Master the anatomy of the income statement.
Common Startup Securities
What different types of securities are issued to startup investors?
Private Companies and the SEC
What does the SEC have to do with my private company?
Early-Stage Capital Raising
Offering Pathways
What pathways are available to raise capital from investors?
General Solicitation
What is general solicitation?
What is “integration” and why does it matter?
What is a broker-dealer?
Form D
What is a Form D and how do I file it?
Consequences of Noncompliance
What happens if a startup does not comply with securities laws?
Small Business Investors
Early-Stage Investors
What are the differences in friends and family, angel investors, and venture capital funds?
Accredited Investors
What is the role of accredited investors?

Assessing Accredited Investors under Regulation D
What are a company’s obligations when assessing whether an investor is accredited?
Private Funds
How do private funds provide capital to early-stage companies?
Starting a Private Fund
What do I need to know before starting a private fund?
Diversifying Risk
How do early-stage investors diversify risk?
Later-Stage Capital Raising
Exit Strategies and Liquidity
How do startups “exit” or provide liquidity to investors?
Raising Later-Stage Capital
I’ve raised early-stage capital. What comes next?
Private Secondary Markets
What is a private secondary market?
Regulation A
What is a Regulation A offering?
Public Companies
What does it mean to be a public company?
Ready to Go Public
How do I know when I am ready to take my company public?
Types of Registered Offerings
What are the differences in an IPO, a SPAC, and a direct listing?
SEC Filing Review Process
What should I expect from the SEC’s filing review process?
SEC Filer Status and Reporting Status
What are filer and reporting statuses and how do they affect public company reporting requirements?
Have ideas, suggestions, or questions we should answer? Email smallbusiness@sec.gov.
Last Reviewed or Updated: March 21, 2025