
Enhanced Everything EDGAR Webpage and Updated Filer Support Contacts

Dec. 8, 2016

The SEC has updated and reformatted the Everything EDGAR webpage to provide additional information on the various EDGAR links and resources available to filers. The Everything EDGAR webpage now includes a link to Quick Reference Guides, which include frequently asked technical questions and detailed guidance for EDGAR Filers. We encourage you to visit the updated webpage for additional information.

The SEC has a team of Filer Support specialists representing several divisions and offices throughout the Commission, including:

  • Division of Corporation Finance
  • Division of Investment Management
  • Division of Trading and Markets
  • Filing Fees Branch
  • Office of Information Technology

The Filer Support specialists assist registrants with their filing submissions and EDGAR application processes. To better route calls to these Filer Support specialists, we updated our Filer Support Contact webpage and related phone prompts on December 8, 2016 to more clearly describe the options, including consolidating certain options by eliminating Option #2 from the Filer Support Contact List. We would like to remind and encourage registrants to please visit the updated Filer Support Contact webpage and contact Filer Support for further assistance.

Last Reviewed or Updated: Dec. 22, 2022