

A New Year, A New Look—More user-friendly information and guidance on for EDGAR filers

Feb. 3, 2020

The EDGAR Business Office is pleased to announce that on Monday, February 10 it will launch EDGAR—Information for Filers, an improved web presence on that makes information for EDGAR filers easier to find and use. 

EDGAR—Information for Filers enhancements include:

  • A new homepage that frontloads our most critical information and resources and highlights important EDGAR news and announcements;
  • A new “How Do I” interface to serve as a central hub for all EDGAR end-user help, and covering topics ranging from EDGAR access codes and the Form ID process to continuing hardship exemptions, and more;
  • Easy-to-locate information and applications most used by filers;
  • Consolidated filer information and consistent navigation across the information; and
  • More intuitive organization of information and increased use of plain language.

There’s still more work to be done, however. These initial improvements extend only to the EDGAR information for filers and not to the information, guidance, and tools related to searching EDGAR.

Will URLs change? We will do our best to make sure everything is working as it was before and there are no "broken links." In a few cases where we have moved content to new locations, we will automatically redirect users to the new locations. 

The improved web presence is the result of a joint project between the EDGAR Business Office, the Office of Public Affairs, and the Office of the Secretary to make information and guidance for filers easier to find and use. The project was informed by a research-based, user-focused approach that included a comprehensive evaluation and inventory of EDGAR-related content on, analysis of search engine logs and Google Analytics data, in-depth interviews, and user testing.

We hope you like the results and find getting around EDGAR’s filer information both easier and more enjoyable. And please—let us know what you think.

For technical assistance with the new web presence, please contact Filer Support at (202) 551-8900.

Last Reviewed or Updated: Feb. 3, 2020