Academic Publications

The Division of Economic and Risk Analysis maintains a diverse and robust research program. These research activities enhance the Division’s awareness and understanding of significant financial market issues and potential solutions to identified market failures and risks. Staff in the Division develop and implement novel research on a variety of topics germane to the SEC’s mission and publish the results of that research in a wide range of academic and practitioner journals, conference volumes, and scholarly books.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, as a matter of policy, disclaims responsibility for any private publication or statement by any of its employees. The views expressed in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or of the authors’ colleagues upon the staff of the Commission.

Academic Publications RSS Feed
Date Publication Topic(s)
FALL 2012
Stephen J. Brown, Bruce D. Grundy, Craig M. Lewis and Patrick Verwijmeren, 2012, Convertibles and Hedge Funds as Distributors of Equity Exposure, Review of Financial Studies 25: 3077-3112.
Henk Berkman, Paul Koch, Laura Tuttle and Ying Zhang, 2012, Paying Attention: Overnight Returns and the Hidden Cost of Buying at the Open, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 47: 715-741.
Mark J. Flannery, Stanislava (Stas) Nikolova and Özde Öztekin, 2012, Leverage Expectations and Bond Credit Spreads, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 47: 689-714. [Lead article]
Scott Bauguess, Marie Sushka and Myron Slovin, 2012, Large shareholder diversification, corporate risk taking, and the benefits of changing to differential voting rights, Journal of Banking and Finance 36: 1244-1253.

Audra Boone and Vladimir Ivanov, 2012, Bankruptcy Spillover Effects on Strategic Alliance Partners, Journal of Financial Economics 103: 551-569.


K. Jeremy Ko and Zhijian (James) Huang, 2012, Persistence of Beliefs in an Investment Experiment, Quarterly Journal of Finance 2.

Asset Pricing, Behavioral finance, Info and market efficiency

Kathleen Weiss Hanley and Gerard Hoberg, Litigation Risk, Strategic Disclosure and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings, 2012, Journal of Financial Economics 103, 235-254.


Yoon-Ho Alex Lee and K. Jeremy Ko, Consumer Mistakes in the Mortgage Market: Choosing Unwisely Versus Not Switching Wisely, 2012, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 14, 417-462.

Banks, Behavioral finance, Depository Institutions, Government policy and regulation
Nicole M. Boyson, Christof W. Stahel, and René M. Stulz, 2012, Liquidity Shocks and Hedge Fund Contagion, The Journal of Investment Management 10: 13-34.
Financial Crises
FALL 2011

Barry Eichengreen, Rachita Gullapalli and Ugo Panizza, Capital Account Liberalization, Financial Development and Industry Growth: A Synthetic View, 2011, Journal of International Money and Finance 60, 1090-1106.

FALL 2011

Vladimir Ivanov, C.N.V. Krishnan, Ron Masulis, and Ajai Singh, Venture Capital Reputation, Post-IPO Performance, and Corporate Governance, 2011, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46, 1295-1333.


Craig M. Lewis and Patrick Verwijmeren, Convertible Security Design and Contract Innovation, 2011, Journal of Corporate Finance 17, 809-831.

Nicole M. Boyson and Christof W. Stahel, 2011, Liquidity and Hedge Fund Contagion, in Robert W. Kolb, ed. Financial Contagion: The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc).
Financial Crises
FALL 2010
Cindy Alexander, Mark Chen, Duane Seppi, and Chester Spatt, 2010, Interim News and the Role of Proxy Voting Advice, Review of Financial Studies 23: 4496-4540.
FALL 2010
Nicole M. Boyson, Christof W. Stahel, and René M. Stulz, 2010, Hedge Fund Contagion and Liquidity Shocks, Journal of Finance 65: 1789–1816.
Financial Crises
FALL 2010
Amy Edwards and Kathleen Weiss Hanley, 2010, Short Selling in Initial Public Offerings, Journal of Financial Economics 98: 21-39.
FALL 2010

Ralph Walkling, Scott Bauguess, Jim Dunigan, Damien Park, Patrick McGurn, and Don Chew, 2010, Risk Management, Corporate Governance, and the Search for Long-term Investors, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 22: 58-74.

Woodrow T. Johnson, 2010, Do Investors Trade Uniformly through Time?, Journal of Empirical Finance 17: 645-658.
Kathleen Weiss Hanley and Gerard Hoberg, 2010, The Information Content of IPO Prospectuses, Review of Financial Studies 23: 2821-2864.

Milan Borkovec and Hans G. Heidle, 2010, Building and Evaluating a Transaction Cost Model: A Primer, Journal of Trading 5: 57-77.

Vladimir Ivanov and Fei Xie, 2010, Do Corporate Venture Capitalists Add Value to Startup Firms? Evidence from IPOs and Acquisitions of VC-Backed Companies, Financial Management, 120-152.
Woodrow T. Johnson, 2010, Who Incentivizes the Mutual Fund Manager, New or Old Shareholders?, Journal of Financial Intermediation 19: 143-168. [Lead article]
FALL 2009
William C. Johnson and Jennifer Marietta-Westberg, 2009, The Distribution of IPO Holdings Across Institutional Mutual Funds, Journal of Business Ethics 90: 119-128.
William C. Johnson and Jennifer Marietta-Westberg, 2009, Universal Banking, Asset Management, and Stock Underwriting, European Financial Management 15: 703-732.
Amar Gande and Craig M. Lewis, 2009, Shareholder Initiated Class Action Lawsuits: Shareholder Wealth Effects and Industry Feedback, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44: 823-850.
K. Jeremy Ko, 2009, Leveraged Investor Disclosures and Concentrations of Risk, Journal of Financial Markets 12: 368-390.
Disclosure, Financial Reporting, Government policy and regulation, Non-bank financial institutions
Steven L. Byers, 2009, Using Derivatives to Manage Interest Rate Risk in Robert Kolb and James Overdahl, ed. Companion to Financial Derivatives (John Wiley & Sons).
Simona Mola and Massimo Guidolin, 2009, Affiliated Mutual Funds and Analyst Optimism, Journal of Financial Economics 93: 108-137.
Scott Bauguess, Sara Moeller, Frederik Schlingemann, and Chad Zutter, 2009, Ownership Structure and Target Returns, Journal of Corporate Finance 15: 48-65.
FALL 2008
Vladimir Ivanov and Craig M. Lewis, 2008, The Determinants of Market-Wide Issue Cycles for Initial Public Offerings, Journal of Corporate Finance 14: 567-583.
FALL 2008

Scott Bauguess and Mike Stegemoller, 2008, Protective Governance Structure and the Value of Acquisition Activity, Journal of Corporate Finance 14: 550-566.

FALL 2007

Michael Rosen and Harvey Westbrook, 2007, Hidden Treasures: Accessing Hidden Liquidity, in Brian R. Bruce, ed. A Guide to Liquidity (Institutional Investor Journals)


Milan Borkovec and Hans G. Heidle, 2007, The Magic of Hindsight: Creating a Post-Trade Transaction Cost Estimate Based on Realized Market Conditions, Journal of Trading 2: 34-49.

Amy K. Edwards, Lawrence E. Harris, and Michael S. Piwowar, 2007, Corporate Bond Market Transaction Costs and Transparency, Journal of Finance 62: 1421-1451.

K. Jeremy Ko and Zhijian (James) Huang, Arrogance Can Be a Virtue: Overconfidence, Information Acquisition, and Market Efficiency, 2007, Journal of Financial Economics 84: 529-560.

Asset Pricing, Behavioral finance, Info and market efficiency

Amy K. Edwards, Corporate Bond Market Microstructure and Transparency: the US Experience, 2006, BIS Papers 26.

FALL 2005

Chris Hogan and Craig M. Lewis, Long-Run Investment Decisions, Operating Performance, and Shareholder Value Creation of Firms Adopting Compensation Plans Based on Economic Profits, 2005, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40, 721-746.

FALL 2005

Tim Loughran and Jennifer Marietta-Westberg, Divergence of Opinion Surrounding Extreme Events, 2005, European Financial Management 11, 579-601.