
National Securities Exchanges

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-96666 Jan 13, 2023 SR-Phlx-2023-01 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its Schedule of Fees and Credits at Equity 7, Section 3
Comments Due: 21 days after publication in the Federal Register
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96638 Jan 11, 2023 SR-Phlx-2023-02 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend Options 7, Section 4
Comments Due: 21 days after publication in the Federal Register
34-96599 Jan 3, 2023 SR-Phlx-2022-50 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Amend Options 9, Section 13
Comments Due: 21 days after publication in the Federal Register
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96574 Dec 22, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-49 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Modify Equity 4, Rule 3100 to Establish Common Criteria and Procedures for Halting and Resuming Trading in Equity Securities in the Event of Regulatory or Operational Issues
Comments Due: January 19, 2023
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96432 Dec 1, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-48 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Definition of Short Term Option Series
Comments Due: December 28, 2022
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96411 Nov 30, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-38 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change To Permit the Listing and Trading of P.M.-Settled Nasdaq 100 Micro Index Options That Expire on Tuesday or Thursday Under Its Nonstandard Expirations Pilot Program
34-96360 Nov 18, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-47 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend FINRA Fees
Comments Due: December 16, 2022
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96329 Nov 16, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-46 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Pricing Schedule at Options 7, Section 5
Comments Due: December 13, 2022
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96285 Nov 9, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-44 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend Rule Phlx Equity 6, Section 5 Concerning Optional Risk Settings for Stocks
Comments Due: December 7, 2022
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See Also - Exhibit 5
34-96286 Nov 9, 2022 SR-Phlx-2022-45 Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx), NASDAQ OMX PHLX Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Extend the Expiration Date of the Temporary Amendments Concerning Video Conference Hearings
Comments Due: December 7, 2022