
National Securities Exchanges

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-79636 Dec 21, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-87 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Market Data Section of Its Fee Schedule To Adopt Fees for BZX Summary Depth and Amend Fees for BZX Depth
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79618 Dec 20, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-88 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to BZX Rule 14.11(i), Managed Fund Shares, To List Shares of the Cambria Sovereign High Yield Bond ETF and the Cambria Value and Momentum ETFs
34-79600 Dec 19, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-91 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt a Participant Fee Applicable to Options Members of Its Equity Options Platform
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79585 Dec 16, 2016 SR-BatsEDGX-2016-60, SR-BatsEDGA-2016-24, SR-BatsBZX-2016-68, SR-BatsBYX-2016-29 Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (BatsEDGX), Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc. (BatsEDGA), Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX), Bats BYX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBYX) Order Granting Approval of Proposed Rule Change in Connection With the Proposed Corporate Transaction Involving Bats Global Markets, Inc. and CBOE Holdings, Inc.
See Also - Rel. No. 34-79264, Rel. No.34-79269, Rel. No. 34-79266, Rel. No. 34-79265
34-79552 Dec 14, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-61 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Designation of a Longer Period for Commission Action on Proposed Rule Change To Amend Exchange Rule 11.23, Auctions, To Enhance the Reopening Auction Process Following a Trading Halt Declared Pursuant to the Plan To Address Extraordinary Market Volatility Pursuant to Rule 608 of Regulation NMS
View Received Comments
See Also - Rel. No. 34-79884, Rel. No. 34-79162
34-79533 Dec 13, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-82 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Exchange Rule 11.27(b) Regarding the Data Collection Requirements of the Regulation NMS Plan to Implement a Tick Size Pilot Program
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79523 Dec 9, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-84 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Rule 21.5 of Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. To Extend Through June 30, 2017, the Penny Pilot Program in Options Classes in Certain Issues
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79496 Dec 7, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-83 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Related to Fees for Use of the Exchange's Equity Options Platform
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79467 Dec 5, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-81 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to BZX Rule 11.23, Auctions, To Amend How the Official Auction Prices Are Calculated and Add Additional Specificity Regarding the Handling of RHO Orders During an Opening Auction for a BZX Listed Security
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79457 Dec 2, 2016 SR-BatsBZX-2016-79 Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Make Non-Substantive Changes to the Equity Options Fee Schedule
See Also - Exhibit 5