Commission orders, notices, and other information in miscellaneous categories such as whistleblower award claims, fee rates, and specific requests for public comment.

Release Number Issue Date File Number Details
34-95292 2022-65 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95247 2022-63 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95243 Order Granting Registration of Demotech, Inc. as a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization
34-95235 In the Matter of the: Order Granting Temporary Conditional Exemptive Relief Pursuant to Section 36 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") and Rule 608(e) of Regulation NMS Under the Exchange Act, Relating to Certain Requirements of the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail; In the Matter of the: Order Granting Temporary Conditional Exemptive Relief Pursuant to Section 36 of the Exchange Act and Rule 608(e) of Regulation NMS Under the Exchange Act, From Section 8.1.1 and Section 8.1.2 of Appendix D of the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail; Order Denying Stay
See Also - Motion for Partial Stay of Order 34-90688, Motion for Partial Stay of Order 34-90689, Appendix Vol. 1, Appendix Vol. 2
Federal Register version (87 FR 42242)
34-95222 2022-62 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95221 2022-61 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95198 2022-60 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
33-11074 333-259603 American CryptoFed DAO LLC (Order Denying Withdrawal of Registration Statement Under the Securities Act of 1933)
33-11073, 34-95122, IC-34619 S7-19-22 List of Rules To Be Reviewed Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act
Comments Due: August 23, 2022
See Also - Notice of Completion of 2012 Rule Reviews
Federal Register version (87 FR 37772)
IA-6050, IC-34618 S7-18-22 Request for Comment on Certain Information Providers Acting as Investment Advisers
Comments Due: August 16, 2022
View Received Comments
See Also - Resubmission of Comments and Reopening of Comment Periods for Several Rulemaking Releases Due to a Technological Error in Receiving Certain Comments
Federal Register version (87 FR 37254)
34-95038 2022-59 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95033 2022-58 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95032 2022-57 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-95007 10-239 24X National Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing of Application for Registration as a National Securities Exchange Under Section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
View Received Comments
See Also - Form 1 Application and Exhibits
Federal Register version (87 FR 34333)
34-94946 2022-56 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-94896 Data Collection Initiation Date and Contingent Phase-In Termination Date for the De Minimis Notional Thresholds of Security-Based Swap Dealing
See Also - 34-66868.pdf, 34-87780.pdf
Federal Register version (87 FR 29986)
34-94860 2022-55 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-94797 2022-54 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
33-11054, 34-94793, IA-6002, IC-34570 S7-15-22 Regulatory Flexibility Agenda
Comments Due: September 7, 2022
View Received Comments
Federal Register version (87 FR 48424)

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024