
Concept Release

Regulation of Exchanges

Public Comments


The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is extending from September 2, 1997, to October 3, 1997, the comment period for Securities Exchange Act Release No. 38672 (May 23, 1997), 62 FR 30485 (June 4, 1997). In this release, the Commission reevaluated its approach to, and sought public comment on, the regulation of exchanges and other markets in light of technological advances and the corresponding growth of alternative trading systems and cross-border trading opportunities.

Release Number
SEC Issue Date

Comment period extended to October 3, 1997 (see Rel. No. 34-38860, above). File No.: S7-16-97 Comments received electronically are available for this release. Additional materials are available as well: An overview of the SEC's role in regulating markets and of the issues addressed in the release (added 9-4-97

Last Reviewed or Updated: Aug. 31, 2023