
Proposed Rule

Use of Abbreviated Financial Statements in Documents Delivered to Investors Pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934


The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission') today is soliciting comment on proposed amendments to allow the use of abbreviated financial statements in annual reports delivered to shareholders pursuant to the proxy rules. Comment is also solicited on additional approaches to streamlining annual reports to shareholders. Rule changes also are proposed to allow the use of abbreviated financial statements in other disclosure documents, including prospectuses, that are required to be delivered to investors. In order to encourage individual investor comments and suggestions, the Commission is including in the Release an Appendix directed to investors, which will be published separately and distributed to investors. In addition, during the comment period, the Commission intends to hold focus groups composed of investors to assess investors' views as to the utility of sample abbreviated financial statements, as compared with full financial statements.

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 27, 1995