
National Securities Exchanges

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-79675 Dec 22, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-122 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change in Connection With the Proposed Acquisition of National Stock Exchange, Inc. by the NYSE Group, Inc.
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See Also - Exhibit 5, Rel. No. 34-79901
34-79672 Dec 22, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-63 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing of Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 to Proposed Rule Change Amending the Co-Location Services Offered by the Exchange To Add Certain Access and Connectivity Fees
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See Also - Rel. No. 34-80309, Rel. No. 34-79378, Rel. No. 34-78968, Rel. No. 34-78629, Rel. No. 34-80077
34-79658 Dec 22, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-119 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Conform to Proposed Amendments to Securities Exchange Act Rule 15c6-1(a) To Shorten the Standard Settlement Cycle From Three Business Days After the Trade Date ("T+3") to Two Business Days After the Trade Date ("T+2")
See Also - Rel. No. 34-80020
34-79642 Dec 21, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-118 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 123D-Equities and the Listed Company Manual
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79651 Dec 21, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-121 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Change Modifying the NYSE Amex Options Fee Schedule
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79640 Dec 21, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-117 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To (1) Change How Orders Would Be Processed When the Protected Best Bid ("PBB") Is Higher Than the Protected Best Offer ("PBO") (The "PBBO") in Certain Circumstances, and (2) Adopt a Limit Order Price Protection Mechanism
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-79645 Dec 21, 2016 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice for Securities Industry Registration ("Form U5") and Any Amendments Thereto
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See Also - Rel. No. 34-80154, Rel. No. 34-78598, Rel. No. 34-78198
34-79611 Dec 20, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-99 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Designation of a Longer Period for Commission Action on Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 104-Equities To Delete Subsection (g)(i)(A)(III) Prohibiting Designated Market Makers From Establishing a New High (Low) Price on the Exchange in a Security the DMM Has a Long (Short) Position During the Last Ten Minutes Prior to the Close of Trading
See Also - Order Disapproving Proposed Rule Changes Amending Exchange Rule 104 to Delete Subsection (g)(i)(A)(III), Which Prohibits Designated Market Makers from Engaging in Transactions, During the Last Ten Minutes of Trading Before the Close, that Establish a New , Notice of Designation of a Longer Period for Commission Action on Proceedings to Determine Whether to Approve or Disapprove a Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 104 – Equities to Delete Subsection (g)(i)(A)(III) Prohibiting Designated Market Makers from E, Order Instituting Proceedings to Determine Whether to Approve or Disapprove a Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 104 – Equities to Delete Subsection (g)(i)(A)(III) Prohibiting Designated Market Makers from Establishing a New High (Low) Price on the Exchan, Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 104 – Equities to Delete Subsection (g)(i)(A)(III) Prohibiting Designated Market Makers from Establishing a New High (Low) Price on the Exchange in a Security the DMM has a Long (Short) Position Durin
34-79599 Dec 19, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-120 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 971.1NY and to Make Permanent the Aspects of Customer Best Execution Auction that Are Subject to a Pilot
See Also - Exhibit 3, Exhibit 5, Rel. No. 34-79830
34-79561 Dec 15, 2016 SR-NYSEMKT-2016-58 NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT) Notice of Withdrawal of a Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendments No. 1 and 2 Thereto, Relating to Amendments to NYSE MKT Rules 1600 et seq. and the Listing Rules Applicable to the Shares of the Nuveen Diversified Commodity Fund and the Nuveen Long/Short Commodity Total Return Fund
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See Also - Rel. No. 34-79510, Rel. No. 34-78804, Rel. No. 34-78432, Rel. No. 34-78000