
National Securities Exchanges

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-61343 Jan 13, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-94 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC Amending Commentary .01 to Rule 903G
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-61324 Jan 11, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2010-01 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex, LLC Amending Its Options Fee Schedule
34-61310 Jan 7, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-102 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC To Modify Its Liquidity Credits and Establish Separate Liquidity Credits for Supplemental Liquidity Providers
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-61308 Jan 7, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-98 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC Adopting New Rule 107B-NYSE Amex Equities To Establish a New Class of NYSE Amex Equities Market Participants Referred to as "Supplemental Liquidity Providers" or "SLPs"
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-61293 Jan 6, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-100 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC Amending NYSE Amex Equities Rule 18 To Eliminate the $500 Minimum Net Loss Requirement for a Member Organization To Seek Compensation in the Event of an Exchange System Failure
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-61291 Jan 5, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-95 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC To Establish Registered Representative Fees
34-61292 Jan 5, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-93 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 452-NYSE Amex Equities and Section 723 of the NYSE Amex Company Guide Regarding Broker Discretionary Voting for Election of Directors and on Material Amendments to Investment Advisory Contracts
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-61276 Jan 4, 2010 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-82 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change Rescinding NYSE Information Memoranda 04-27 and 07-66 and Issuing a New Information Memo Concerning the Exchange's Gap Quote Policy
See Also - Rel. No. 34-61049
34-61272 Dec 31, 2009 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-99 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by NYSE Amex LLC Deleting Rule 445-NYSE Amex Equities and Adopting New Rule 3310-NYSE Amex Equities To Correspond With Rule Changes Filed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
34-61265 Dec 31, 2009 SR-NYSEAmex-2009-96 NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending NYSE Amex Equities Rule 123C(8)(a)(1) To Extend the Operation of the Extreme Order Imbalances Pilot
See Also - Exhibit 5