
National Securities Exchanges

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-100504 Jul 11, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-17 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Fee Schedule for Customer Orders Routed to Another Options Exchange
Comments Due: 21 days after publication in the Federal Register.
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-100475 Jul 9, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-16 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend its Rules Relating to the Continuing Education for Registered Persons as Provided Under Exchange Rule 1903
Comments Due: 21 days after date of publication in the federal Register.
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-100042 Apr 26, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-15 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Increase Fees for the ToM Market Data Product and Establish Fees for the cToM Market Data Product
Comments Due: May 23, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-100039 Apr 26, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-14 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Fee Schedule for Purge Ports
Comments Due: May 23, 2024
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See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99923 Apr 9, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-13 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Exchange Rule 531
Comments Due: May 6, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99824 Mar 21, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-12 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Fee Schedule to Modify Certain Connectivity and Port Fees
Comments Due: April 17, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99829 Mar 21, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-10 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule
Comments Due: April 17, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99812 Mar 20, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-11 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Fee Schedule for Purge Ports
Comments Due: April 16, 2024
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See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99737 Mar 14, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-09 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Increase Fees for the ToM Market Data Product and Establish Fees for the cToM Market Data Product
Comments Due: April 10, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-99555 Feb 16, 2024 SR-EMERALD-2024-06 MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD) Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Fee Schedule Regarding the Open-Close Report Data
Comments Due: March 15, 2024
See Also - Exhibit 5