Commission orders, notices, and other information in miscellaneous categories such as whistleblower award claims, fee rates, and specific requests for public comment.

Release Number Issue Date File Number Details
34-39681 List of Foreign Issuers Which Have Submitted Information Under the Exemption Relating to Certain Foreign Securities
Federal Register version (63 FR 9879)
No release number 2 Charitable Giving by Public Companies (Invitation for Comments)
Comments Due: November 12, 1997
34-39016 S7-23-97 Privacy Act of 1974: Major Alterations to the Agency Correspondence Tracking System (ACTS) (SEC-29) and the Office of Personnel Training Files (SEC-40)
Comments Due: 30 days after publication in Federal Register
Federal Register version (62 FR 47887)
PA-20 Privacy Act of 1974: Deletion, Modification, and Redesignation of Privacy Act Systems of Records
Federal Register version (62 FR 47884)
34-39017 S7-24-97 Privacy Act of 1974: Establishment of a New System of Records: Confidential Treatment Request Imaging System (SEC-26)
Comments Due: 30 days after publication in Federal Register
Federal Register version (62 FR 47889)
No release number 1 S7-20-97 Securities Uniformity (Invitation to Participate in NSMIA Uniformity Study Survey)
34-38810 600-30 Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing of Application for Registration as a Clearing Agency
Federal Register version (62 FR 37093)
33-7413 S7-15-97 Securities Uniformity; Annual Conference on Uniformity of Securities Laws
Comments Due: April 23, 1997
View Received Comments
See Also - Comments received electronically are available
Federal Register version (62 FR 17653)

Note: Comments received electronically are available

34-38235 List of Foreign Issuers Which Have Submitted Information Required by the Exemption Relating to Certain Foreign Securities
Federal Register version (62 FR 6018)
34-38156 SR-NASD-96-43 National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.; Order Granting Partial Approval and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Proposed Rule Change Relating to Implementation of the Commission's Order Handling Rules
Federal Register version (62 FR 2415)
34-37302 SR-NASD-95-42 Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 2 to Proposed Rule Change by National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Relating to the NAqcess System and Accompanying Rules of Fair Practice
View Received Comments
See Also - 3437302.shtml, Comments received electronically are available
Federal Register version (61 FR 31574)
33-7277 S7-9-96 Securities Uniformity; Annual Conference on Uniformity of Securities Law
Comments Due: April 25, 1996
View Received Comments
See Also - Comments received electronically are available
Federal Register version (61 FR 15847)

Note: Comments received electronically are available

34-37009 S7-8-96 Study and Report on Protections for Senior Citizens and Qualified Retirement Plans
Comments Due: April 30, 1996
View Received Comments
See Also - Comments received electronically are available
Federal Register version (61 FR 13906)

Note: Comments received electronically are available

33-7231 Electronic Filing of Forms 3, 4, 5, and 144
Federal Register version (60 FR 53474)

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024