Commission orders, notices, and other information in miscellaneous categories such as whistleblower award claims, fee rates, and specific requests for public comment.

Release Number Issue Date File Number Details
34-98902 4-809 Order Granting ICE Clear Europe Limited’s Request to Withdraw from Registration as a Clearing Agency
See Also - ICEU CA Withdrawal Request Letter
PA-61 S7-19-23 Privacy Act of 1974: Systems of Records
Comments Due: November 30, 2023
Federal Register version (88 FR 74550)
34-98746 10-240 MIAX Sapphire, LLC; Notice of Filing of Application for Registration as a National Securities Exchange under Section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Comments Due: December 4, 2023
View Received Comments
See Also - Form 1 Application and Exhibits
34-98736 2024-1 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
33-11252, 34-98699, IA-6454, IC-35030 S7-17-23 List of Rules to be Reviewed Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act
Federal Register version
34-98689 PCAOB-2023-02 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rules on the Auditor’s Use of Confirmation, and Other Amendments to Related PCAOB Standards
Comments Due: November 7, 2023
View Received Comments
34-98680 Order Cancelling Registrations of Certain Municipal Advisors Pursuant to Section 15B(c)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
34-98672 Public Availability of the Security and Exchange Commission's FY 2020 Service Contract Inventory
34-98668 Order Regarding Net Capital Computation for Jefferies Financial Services, Inc.
34-98642 Order Scheduling Filing of Statements of Review for SR-FINRA-2022-032
34-98655 2023-84 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
33-11249 Certain Broker-Dealer Practices
34-98590 Order Granting Temporary Conditional Exemption for Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. from Certain Requirements of Section 15E(t) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
34-98488 Declaration of Effectiveness of the Fingerprint Plan of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
See Also - FINRA Incoming Fingerprint Plan Cover Letter
34-98340 2023-83 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-98331 4-809 Notice of Filing and Request for Comment on ICE Clear Europe Limited’s Request to Withdraw from Registration as a Clearing Agency
Comments Due: October 5, 2023
34-98236 2023-82 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
34-98235 2023-81 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim
33-11225; 34-98226; IA-6388; IC-34993, S7-14-23 Fall 2023 Regulatory Flexibility Agenda
Comments Due: March 11, 2024
View Received Comments
Federal Register version
33-11224; 34-98223 Order Making Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Adjustments to Registration Fee Rates
34-98219 2023-79 Order Determining Whistleblower Award Claim

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024