
Final Rule

Update of Statistical Disclosures for Bank and Savings and Loan Registrants


We are adopting rules to update our statistical disclosure requirements for banking registrants. These registrants currently provide many disclosures in response to the items set forth in Industry Guide 3 ("Guide 3'), Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies, which are not Commission rules. The amendments update and expand the disclosures that registrants are required to provide, codify certain Guide 3 disclosure items and eliminate other Guide 3 disclosure items that overlap with Commission rules, U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("U.S. GAAP'), or International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS'). In addition, we are relocating the codified disclosure requirements to a new subpart of Regulation S-K and rescinding Guide 3.

Prior Actions

Last Reviewed or Updated: April 7, 2023