
Reports and Publications

This listing includes periodic SEC reports and publications. See also FOIA Frequently Requested Documents and SEC Data Resources for periodic data reports and updates. For occasional reports on current trends and issues facing the securities industry, choose “Special Studies” from the “Category” field below.

Date Title Category
Investor Testing Report on Registered Index-Linked Annuities (PDF) Investor Publications
Questions You Should Ask About Your Investments brochure (PDF) Investor Publications
Q&A: Small Business and the SEC Investor Publications
Identity Theft: Learn How To Protect Yourself Investor Publications
Understanding Investment Professional Designations (tips from FINRA) Investor Publications
Beginners' Guide to Financial Statements Investor Publications
Affinity Fraud: How to Avoid Investment Scams That Target Group Investor Publications
Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors Investor Publications
"Phishing" Fraud: How to Avoid Getting Fried by Phony Phishermen Investor Publications
A Guide for Seniors: Protect Yourself Against Investment Fraud (PDF) Investor Publications
Rule 144: Selling Restricted and Control Securities Investor Publications
Trade Execution: What Every Investor Should Know Investor Publications
Researching the Federal Securities Laws Through the SEC Website Investor Publications
Guide to Insider Trading: Online Publications at the SE Investor Publications
Investment Advisers: What You Need to Know Before Choosing One Investor Publications
Researchers and Librarians—Easy Access to Selected Securities and Investor Information at the SEC Investor Publications
Mutual-to-Stock” Conversions: Tips for Investor Investor Publications
About the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy Investor Publications
Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams Investor Publications
Analyzing Analyst Recommendations Investor Publications
The SEC Mutual Fund Cost Calculator: A Tool for Comparing Mutual Funds Investor Publications
Five Questions to Ask Before You Invest Investor Publications
Beginners’ Guide to Investing Investor Publications
Fake Seals and Phony Numbers: How Fraudsters Try to Look Legit Investor Publications
SIPC Exposes Phony "Look-Alike" Web Site Investor Publications
Taking Stock: Getting Your Fiscal Act Together Investor Publications
Cold Calling: Unsolicited Calls from Brokers Investor Publications
Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Securities Fraud Investor Publications
Compliance Guide to the Registration and Regulation of Brokers and Dealers Investor Publications
Beginners' Guide to Asset Allocation, Diversification, and Rebalancing Investor Publications
All About Auto-Trading Investor Publications
How To Avoid Fraud Investor Publications
Warning to All Investors About Bogus "Prime Bank" and Other Banking-Related Investment Schemes Investor Publications
Ultra-Short Bond Funds: Know Where You're Parking Your Money Investor Publications
Beginners’ Guide to Mutual Funds Investor Publications
Margin: Borrowing Money to Pay for Stocks Investor Publications
Transferring your Brokerage Account: Tips on Avoiding Delays Investor Publications
Execution Quality Statistics: How to Find Information on Order Execution and Routing Practices Investor Publications
"Senior" Specialists and Advisors: What You Should Know About Professional Designations Investor Publications
Online Brokerage Accounts: What You Can Do to Safeguard Your Money and Your Personal Information Investor Publications
The Fleecing of Foreign Investors: Avoid Getting Burned by "Hot" U.S. Stocks Investor Publications
Bankruptcy: What Happens When Public Companies Go Bankrupt Investor Publications
High-Yield CDs: Protect Your Money by Checking the Fine Print Investor Publications
After-Hours Trading: Understanding the Risks Investor Publications
Promissory Notes: Promises, Problems (PDF) Investor Publications
Getting Info About Companies Investor Publications
Evaluating Your Retirement Options: The 403(b) Plan Investor Publications
Investment Choices and Methods Investor Publications
Mini-Tender Offers: Tips for Investors Investor Publications
Avoiding Internet Investment Scams: Tips for Investors Investor Publications
"Pro Forma" Financial Information: Tips for Investors Investor Publications
Oil and Gas Scams: Common Red Flags and Steps You Can Take to Protect Yoursel Investor Publications
Periodic Payment Plans Investor Publications
Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information Investor Publications
Ask Questions: Questions You Should Ask About Your Investments and What To Do If You Run Into Problems Investor Publications
Get the Facts on Saving and Investing Investor Publications
Invest Wisely: Advice From Your Securities Industry Regulators Investor Publications
Pregunte (folleto en Espanol) ("Ask Questions" brochure in Spanish) Investor Publications
Tips for Online Investing: What You Need to Know About Trading In Fast-Moving Markets Investor Publications
Form for Taking Notes Investor Publications
Mutual Fund Investing: Look at More Than a Fund's Past Performance Investor Publications
Beginners' Guide to Financial Statement Investor Publications
Lump Sum Payouts: Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Invest a Dime Investor Publications
Auto-Surfing: What You Need to Kno Investor Publications
"Wrong Numbers" and Stock Tips on Your Answering Machine Investor Publications
Worthless Stock: How to Avoid Doubling Your Losses Investor Publications
Selecting and Monitoring Pension Consultants: Tips for Plan Fiduciaries Investor Publications
Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk Investor Publications
"High Yields" and Hot Air Investor Publications
Mutual Fund Proxy Voting Records and Policies Investor Publications
Pump&Dump.con: Tips for Avoiding Stock Scams on the Internet Investor Publications
Risky Business: "Pre-IPO [Initial Public Offering]" Investing Investor Publications
Variable Annuities and Variable Life Products: Questions to Ask Investor Publications
About Settling Trades In Three Days: Introducing T+3 Investor Publications
All About Auditors Investor Publications
Stock Market Fraud "Survivor" Checklist Investor Publications
A Plain English Handbook: How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure Documents Investor Publications