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Protecting Investors in 403(b) and 457(b) Plans

The SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office hosted RISE of California: Retirement Investment Summit on Education on October 4, 2018 in West Sacramento, Calif. The event brought together stakeholders to discuss best approaches to informing and protecting California public school educators when they invest in their 403(b) and 457(b) plans. The agenda included topics related to the current structure of 403(b) and 457(b) plans for California public school educators, challenges in enrollment, and regulatory protections for investors in those plans.

The San Francisco office hosted SEC Investor Advocate Rick Fleming, Investor Education and Advocacy Director Lori Schock, and Dean of California State University’s College of Education Sasha Sidorkin. Panelists included representatives from the California Department of Insurance, the California Department of Business Oversight, CalSTRS, CalPERS, CTA, FINRA, and public school educators.

Summit attendees included representatives from county and district public school administrations, California state agencies, state and local education associations, federal and state regulators, and representatives from third party administrators, and the financial services and insurance industries.

See event webcast.

rise of california poster

The RISE of California: Retirement Investment Summit on Education aimed to educate investors on their 403(b) and 457(b) plans.

Jina Choi at Rise of California event

San Francisco Regional Office Director Jina Choi at the RISE of California event. 

woman talking at Rise of California event

Panelists talked about the current structure of 403(b) and 457(b) plans for California public school educators.

Lori Schock at Rise of California event

Office of Investor Education and Advocacy Director Lori Schock was one of the panelists at the RISE of California event.

403b slide at Rise of California event

The first panel at the event talked about the regulatory framework of 403(b) and 457(b) plans for California public school educators.

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San Francisco Associate Regional Director Erin Schneider moderated a panel on how to help educators invest wisely.

Rick Fleming at Rise of California event

SEC Investor Advocate Rick Fleming gave the keynote address at the RISE of California event.

People at Rise of California event

Attendees included representatives from public school administrations, California state agencies, state and local education associations, and federal and state regulators.

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