

Rebecca Sharek

May 9, 2022

Deputy Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations

Rebecca Sharek joined the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) in January 2014 as the Deputy Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations. Ms. Sharek has over 25 years of experience in the executive and legislative branches and has served in a variety of management and leadership roles at four OIGs. Before joining the SEC OIG, Ms. Sharek was the Assistant Inspector General for Audits at the Export-Import Bank of the United States OIG, where she was responsible for financial and performance audits of the Bank’s programs and operations and had audit oversight responsibility for the Bank’s nearly $107 billion portfolio. She also held multiple positions with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) OIG, including as the NASA OIG Director of Space Operations Audits. In that capacity, Ms. Sharek directed nationwide audits of NASA's largest, most complex, and most visible programs, including the agency's human spaceflight program, and led and supervised a geographically dispersed staff of audit, aerospace, and administrative professionals. Ms. Sharek also planned, executed, and managed complex audits, reviews, and inspections as a supervisory auditor with the Government Publishing Office OIG.

Ms. Sharek is active in the federal oversight community and chaired a sub-group of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Enterprise Risk Management Working Group. Under Ms. Sharek’s direction, the sub-group published CIGIE’s Inspectors General Guide to Assessing Enterprise Risk Management in January 2020.

Ms. Sharek is a Certified Internal Auditor. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Rollins College and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Central Florida.

Last Reviewed or Updated: May 9, 2022