Date Title Division/Office
XBRL Validation and Rendering Structured Disclosure
EDGAR 24.2 Release XBRL Taxonomies Update Structured Disclosure
Trend Analysis of Custom Tag Rates in XBRL Financial Data Submitted from 2021 to 2023 Structured Disclosure
Final 2024 Security-Based Swap (SBS) Taxonomy and Sample Documents Structured Disclosure
Draft 2024 Cybersecurity Disclosure (CYD) Taxonomy Structured Disclosure
EDGAR XBRL Validation Errors Structured Disclosure
EDGAR XBRL Validation Warnings Structured Disclosure
Structured Disclosure RSS Feeds Structured Disclosure
Structured Disclosure at the SEC: History and Rulemaking Structured Disclosure
Staff Interpretations and FAQs Related to Interactive Data Disclosure Structured Disclosure
Rules and Regulations Requesting Structured Data Structured Disclosure
DRAFT Taxonomy Files Structured Disclosure
Office of Structured Disclosure Staff Observations, Guidance, and Trends Structured Disclosure
Incorrect Tagging for Earnings Per Share Data Structured Disclosure
Draft 2024 Security-Based Swap (SBS) Taxonomy Sample Documents Structured Disclosure
IFRS – XBRL Custom Tags Trend for 2020 - 2022 Structured Disclosure
U.S. GAAP – XBRL Custom Tags Trend for 2021 - 2023 Structured Disclosure
Draft 2024 Daily Market Data Report (DMDR) Schema and Renderer Structured Disclosure
Taxonomies Structured Disclosure
Draft 2024 Security-Based Swap (SBS) Taxonomy Structured Disclosure

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024