

Statement on the SEC’s Coronavirus Response Efforts – Facilitating the Continued Orderly Operation of Our Capital Markets Consistent with Health and Safety Directives and Other Measures

Washington D.C.

Over the past several weeks, the women and men of the SEC have worked responsively, pragmatically and effectively with their colleagues at the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and other governmental authorities to ensure that our capital markets remain open and function well, consistent with evolving health and safety directives and other measures.[1]

We stand ready to continue to work with federal and state authorities and market participants.  We are focused on ensuring that the business continuity plans of market participants are adjusted, as necessary or appropriate, to comply with health and safety measures, and that they also facilitate the continuing operation of our markets, market integrity and investor protection.

Actions taken by the Commission and staff to date to facilitate the continued functioning of our markets and the health and safety of the American people can be found here.


[1] At the Commission, the health and safety of our colleagues, their families and their communities is our first priority. All SEC offices are currently on mandatory telework. The SEC began transitioning to telework the week of March 9th, and mandatory telework was instituted at the end of that week.

Last Reviewed or Updated: March 20, 2020