
Press Release

SEC Staff Supplements Quarterly Private Funds Statistics

For Immediate Release


Washington D.C., May 3, 2017 —

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission staff today published a suite of new data and analyses of private fund statistics and trends.

The Private Funds Statistics, released quarterly since October 2015 by the Division of Investment Management’s Risk and Examinations Office, offers investors and other market participants valuable insights by aggregating data reported by private fund advisers on Form ADV and Form PF.  New analyses include information about the use of financial and economic leverage by hedge funds, and characteristics of private liquidity funds.

“We believe publishing these statistics provides the public with more transparency into and understanding of the private funds industry,” said Acting Chairman Michael Piwowar. “The additional statistical analyses represent a continued focus on using data to inform policy and provide public information and will continue to facilitate feedback and analysis that could be used by the Commission and others.”

With 90 separate tables and figures, the report provides comprehensive analysis of hedge fund industry practices, such as the use of economic and financial leverage, investment strategies, collateralization of borrowings, and investment category exposures. These new statistics supplement information about numbers and types of funds, the gross and net assets of funds, the distribution of borrowings, analysis of gross notional exposure to net asset value, and a comparison of average hedge fund investor and hedge fund portfolio liquidity.

About the Data Sources

Form ADV is used by investment advisers to register with the Commission and or certain state securities authorities. Advisers must report on Form ADV general information about private funds that they manage, such as basic organizational and operational information, fund size and ownership.

Form PF is filed by SEC-registered investment advisers with at least $150 million in private funds assets under management to report information about the private funds that they manage. Most advisers file Form PF annually to report general information such as the types of private funds advised (e.g., hedge funds or private equity), each fund’s size, leverage, liquidity and types of investors. Certain larger advisers provide more information on a more frequent basis (including more detailed information on certain larger funds).


Last Reviewed or Updated: May 3, 2017