
Press Release

SEC Issues Stop Order to Prevent Northern California Company From Issuing Stock Under Amended Registration Statement

For Immediate Release


Washington D.C., April 23, 2014 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today issued a stop order to prevent a Northern California-based company from issuing stock after including false and misleading information in its amended registration statement for an initial public offering (IPO).

Stop orders prevent the sale of privately held shares to the public under a registration statement that is materially misleading or deficient.  If a stop order is issued, no new shares can enter the market under that registration statement until the company has corrected the deficiencies or misleading information.

According to the SEC’s stop order against Comp Services Inc., its registration statement fails to disclose the identity of the control person and promoter behind the company, and falsely states that Comp Services earned revenue for providing computer services even though the company has never earned any revenue.  The registration statement has been amended 10 times, most recently in December 2013.

“Comp Services gave investors a false and misleading portrayal of the company as they were deciding whether or not to invest,” said Michele Wein Layne, director of the SEC’s Los Angeles Regional Office.  “This stop order ensures that Comp Services stock cannot be sold in the public markets under this misleading registration statement.” 

Comp Services consented to the issuance of the stop order, which also triggers the bad actor disqualifications to prohibit Comp Services from engaging or participating in any unregistered offering conducted under Rule 506 of Regulation D for a five-year period.

The SEC’s investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by Roberto Tercero and Spencer Bendell in the Los Angeles office.


Last Reviewed or Updated: July 29, 2014
