
Market Activity Data Visualizations

June 26, 2024

Explore market metrics designed to shed light on the nature of the billions of quotes and trades that regularly occur across our equity exchanges. Create your own charts, compare and contrast data sets according to a variety of equity security characteristics, zoom to specific date periods, and view data distributions down to the level of one-millionth of a second.

The charts are interactive. To zoom, click on the chart and drag to select a time period. Once zoomed in, click and drag while holding "shift" to pan. Double-click to zoom out.

Market Activity Data Series

Data Visualizations Description
Market Structure: Overview Data


View summary data for stocks and ETPs including Trade to Order Volume, Cancel to Trade Ratio, Odd Lot Rate, Odd Lot Volume, Hidden Rate, and Hidden Volume.

Market Structure: Metrics Exchange Data
Metrics by Exchange

Metrics by Exchange

Market Structure: Corporate Stocks data
Corporate Stocks 

Corporate Stocks

Market Structure: Exchange Traded Products Data
Exchange Traded Products

Exchange Traded Products 

Quote Life Data Series

Data Visualizations Description
Market Structure: Conditional Frequency data
Conditional Frequency

Conditional Frequency

Market Structure: Hazard Survivor Data
Hazard and Survivor 

Hazard and Survivor

Last Reviewed or Updated: July 9, 2024