Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-16801


Bennett Group Financial Services, LLC Bennett, Dawn J.
Release Date Release Number Other Release Numbers Name of Document
  • 34-85151
  • IA-5113
  • IC-33376
  • 34-81043
  • IA-4720
  • IC-32715
Stay Order
  • 34-80526
  • IA-4692
  • IC-32612
Order Denying Respondents' Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Brief
  • 34-80347
  • IA-4676
  • IC-32586
Opinion of the Commission
  • 34-78637
  • IA-4491
  • IC-32222
Order Granting Petition for Review and Scheduling Briefs
1033 Initial Decision of Default
AP-3835 Order Granting in Part Joint Motion to Correct Record Index
AP-3780 Order Admitting Corrected Exhibit 360
AP-3656 Order On Rule 235 Motion
AP-3588 Order Granting Motion to Admit Johnston Testimony
AP-3561 Post-Hearing Order
AP-3529 Order Postponing Hearing
AP-3507 Order On Witness List
AP-3494 Order Denying Motion to Stay or Dismiss This Proceeding
AP-3453 Order Following Prehearing Conference
AP-3363 Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Notice Under Seal
AP-3269 Scheduling Order
AP-3234 Order Granting Motion to Extend Time to Answer
AP-3205 Scheduling Order
AP-3199 Order Postponing Prehearing Conference
AP-3170 Order Granting Motion to Extend Time to Answer
AP-3163 Order Postponing Hearing and Scheduling Prehearing Conference
AP-3112 Order Scheduling Hearing and Designating Presiding Judge
  • 34-75864
  • IA-4191
  • IC-31810
Order Instituting Administrative and Cease-and-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 15(b) and 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Sections 203(e), 203(f), and 203(k) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and Section 9(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940