Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-15613


Martin, Julieann Palmer
Release Date Release Number Other Release Numbers Name of Document
751 Initial Decision
AP-1962 Order On Confidentiality
AP-1796 Post-Hearing Order
  • 34-73015
  • IC-31242
  • IC-31241
Order Extending Deadline for Filing Initial Decision
AP-1707 Motion to the Commission for an Extension
AP-1651 Order Postponing Hearing
AP-1588 Notice to Parties
AP-1537 Order On Motion in Limine Regarding Julieann Palmer Martin's Trial Testimony and Motion to Substitute Exhibit
AP-1483 Order Following Prehearing Conference
AP-1463 Order Scheduling Prehearing Conference Following Rejection of Settlement Offer
AP-1290 Order Granting Stay
AP-1286 Order Deferring Decision On Joint Motion for Protective Order
AP-1272 Order Denying Request for a Second Telephonic Prehearing Conference
AP-1268 Notice to Parties
AP-1138 Order Following Prehearing Conference
AP-1070 Order Postponing Hearing and Scheduling Prehearing Conference
AP-1039 Order Scheduling Hearing and Designating Presiding Judge
  • 34-70868
  • IC-30783
Order Instituting Administrative and Cease-and-desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 8a of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 15(B) and 21c of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section 9(B) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Notice of Hearing