
EDGAR Filer Manual

Oct. 11, 2023

The EDGAR Filer Manual consists of Volume I: General Information, which includes the requirements for becoming an EDGAR filer and maintaining EDGAR company information; and Volume II: EDGAR Filing, which sets forth details on the process to submit online filings.

Volume I: General Information

Version 41  |  Deployment Date: December 19, 2022  |   full volume (PDF, 0.5 mb)

Changes from previous version

On December 19, 2022, EDGAR Release 22.4 introduced the following changes:

  • The EDGAR Filer Manual, Volume I, was amended to clarify:
    • the definition of “authorized individual” in Section 3(a) of this Volume I; and
    • when a notarized power of attorney would be required to accompany a manual passphrase update request pursuant to Section 4(b) of this Volume I.

Volume II: EDGAR Filing

Version 71  |  Deployment Date: September 16, 2024  |  full volume (PDF, 6.9 mb)

Changes from previous version:

On September 16, 2024, EDGAR Release 24.3 will introduce the following changes:

  • On Jan. 24, 2024, the SEC adopted rules related to initial public offerings by special purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”) and subsequent business combination transactions between SPACs and private operating companies (“de-SPAC transactions”). Under the rules, the private operating company in a de-SPAC transaction would be, in some instances, a co-registrant for purposes of the registration statement filed in connection with the de-SPAC transaction. EDGAR will be updated to permit co-registrants in a draft registration statement submission. See Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Shell Companies, and Projections, Release No. 33-11265 (Jan. 24, 2024). See also Chapter 7 of the EDGAR Filer Manual, Vol. II.
  • EDGAR will be updated to allow registered security-based swap execution facilities (SBSEFs) to file chief compliance officer reports and financial resource reports using Inline XBRL. Chief compliance officer reports and amendments will be filed as SBSEF-CCO-RPT and SBSEF-CCO-RPT/A submissions, respectively. Quarterly financial resource reports and amendments, and financial resource reports pursuant to Commission requests and amendments will be filed as SBSEF-FIN-QTR, SBSEF-FIN-QTR/A, SBSEF-FIN-REQ, and SBSEF-FIN-REQ/A submissions, respectively. See Security Based Swap Execution and Registration of Security-Based Swap Execution Facilities, Release No. 34-98845 (Nov. 2, 2023). See also Chapter 6 Tables B6-12, 6-15, and 6-18, and Chapters 8.2.38 and 8.2.39 of the EDGAR Filer Manual, Vol. II.
  • EDGAR will be updated to allow filers to use the appropriate XBRL Taxonomy for cybersecurity disclosure required to be included in Forms 6 K, 8 K, 10 K, and 20 F (and the variants 10-KT, 10-K/A, 10-KT/A, 20-F/A, 8 K/A, and 6-K/A). See Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, Release No. 33-11216 (July 26,2023). See also, Chapter 6 Tables 6-16 and 6-18 of the EDGAR Filer Manual, Vol. II.
  • The Index from Volume II of the EDGAR Filer Manual Index will be removed. Filers may continue to use the Table of Contents which directly links the filer to specific chapters and topics, and apply the document search function to locate information of interest in the manual.


   1.   Introduction (PDF, 0.2 mb)

   2.  Quick Guide to EDGAR Filing (PDF, 0.3 mb)

   3.  Index to Forms (PDF, 0.2 mb)

   4.  Filing Fee Information (PDF, 0.3 mb)

   5.  Constructing Attached Documents and Document Types (PDF, 1.2 mb)

   6.  Interactive Data (PDF, 0.5 mb)

   7.  Preparing and Transmitting EDGARLink Online Submissions (PDF, 3.2 mb)

   8.  Preparing and Transmitting Online Submissions (PDF, 2.7 mb)

   9.  Filer-Constructed XML Submissions (PDF, 0.2 mb)


  A.  Messages Reported by EDGAR (PDF, 0.1 mb)

  B.  Reserved (PDF, 0.1 mb)

  C.  EDGAR Submission Types (PDF, 0.1 mb) 

  D.  Reference Copies of Forms (PDF, 0.1 mb)

  E.  Automated Conformance Rules for EDGAR Data Fields (PDF, 0.1 mb)


There are no drafts for the EDGAR Filer Manual


Past Filer Manuals


 9/16/2024    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 71) (PDF)

 3/18/2024    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 69) (PDF)


12/18/2023   Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 68) (PDF)

 9/18/2023    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 67) (PDF)

 6/20/2023    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 66) (PDF)

 3/23/2023    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 65) (PDF)


12/19/2022   Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 64) (PDF)

 9/21/2022    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 63) (PDF)

 6/21/2022    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 62) (PDF)

 3/20/2022   Volume I: EDGAR Filing (Version 40) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 61) (PDF)


12/20/2021    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 60) (PDF)

  9/20/2021    Volume I: General Information (Version 39) (PDF)

                          Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 59) (PDF)

  6/14/2021    Volume I: General Information (Version 38) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 58) (PDF)

 3/15/2021     Volume I: General Information (Version 37) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 57) (PDF)

 2/3/2021       Volume I: General Information (Version 36) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 56) (PDF)


12/14/2020    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 55) (PDF)

 9/15/2020    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 54) (PDF)

 1/27/2020    Volume I: General Information (Version 35) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 53) (PDF)


 9/30/2019   Volume I: General Information (Version 34) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 52) (PDF)

  6/10/2019   Volume I: General Information (Version 33) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 51) (PDF)

  3/11/2019    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 50) (PDF)


12/17/2018   Volume I: General Information (Version 32) (PDF)

                       Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 49) (PDF)

 10/1/2018    Volume I: General Information (Version 31) (PDF)

                       Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 48) (PDF)

  7/9/2018    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 47) (PDF)

3/12/2018    Volume I: General Information (Version 30) (PDF)

                       Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 45) (PDF)


 9/11/2017    Volume I: General Information (Version 29) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 55) (PDF)

 7/17/2017    Volume I: General Information (Version 28) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 42) (PDF)

 3/13/2017    Volume I: General Information (Version 27) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 41) (PDF)

 1/30/2017    Volume I: General Information (Version 26) (PDF)

                       Volume II: EDGAR filing (Version 40) (PDF)

                       Volume III: N-SAR Supplement (Version 6) (PDF)


12/12/2016    Volume I: General Information (Version 25) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 39) (PDF)

 6/13/2016    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 37) (PDF)


12/14/2015    Volume I: General Information (Version 24) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 35) (PDF)

  9/14/2015   Volume I: General Information (Version 23) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 34) (PDF)

                        Volume III: N-SAR Supplement (Version 5) (PDF)

  8/3/2015    Volume I: General Information (Version 22) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 33) (PDF)

6/15/2015    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 32) (PDF)

 5/11/2015    Volume I: General Information (Version 21) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 31) (PDF)

 4/10/2015    Volume I: General Information (Version 20) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 30) (PDF)


12/15/2014    Volume I: General Information (Version 19) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 29) (PDF)

10/20/2014   Volume I: General Information (Version 18) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 28) (PDF)

 6/16/2014    Volume I: General Information (Version 17) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 27) (PDF)

                        Volume III: N-SAR Supplement (Version 4) (PDF)

 3/4/2014      Volume I: General Information (Version 16) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 26) (PDF)


 9/26/2013    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 25) (PDF)

 7/29/2013    Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 24) (PDF)

 5/20/2013    Volume I: General Information (Version 15) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 23) (PDF)

  1/14/2013     Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 22) (PDF)


10/5/2012    Volume I: General Information (Version 14) (PDF)

                       Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 21) (PDF)

 8/29/2012   Volume I: General Information (Version 13) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 20) (PDF)

 3/26/2012   Volume I: General Information (Version 12) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 19) (PDF)


 8/2/2011    Volume I: General Information (Version 10) (PDF)

                      Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 17) (PDF)

                      Volume III: N-SAR Supplement (Version 2) (PDF)

 1/6/2011     Volume I: General Information (Version 9) (PDF)

                      Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 16) (PDF)


 4/12/2010     Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 14) (PDF)


10/26/2009   Volume I: General Information (Version 8) (PDF)

                         Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 13) (PDF)

 3/16/2009     Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 11) (PDF)


8/20/2007    Volume I: General Information (Version 4) (PDF)

                        Volume II: EDGAR Filing (Version 7) (PDF)


 2/7/2005     Volume I: Filer Manual (Release 8.10) (PDF)

                        Volume II: N-SAR Supplement (Release 8.10) (PDF)

                        Volume III: Online Forms (Release 8.10) (PDF)


 5/5/2003    Volume I: Filer Manual (Release 8.5) (PDF)

                       Volume II: N-SAR Supplement (Release 8.5) (PDF)

                       Volume III: Online Forms (Release 8.5) (PDF)


10/7/2002    Volume I: Filer Manual (Release 8.4) (PDF)

Last Reviewed or Updated: Sept. 16, 2024