Ricardo A. Lopez Rago

Financial Economist, Office of Asset Management (DERA)

Education Summary

  • Ph.D. Economics, UCLA, 2003
  • M.A. Economics, UCLA, 2000
  • Commercial Engineer, University of Chile, 1995
  • B.A. Economics, University of Chile, 1995

  • Financial Economist
    Division of Economic and Risk Analysis
    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Senior Economist
    Internal Revenue Service
    U.S. Department of the Treasury


  • Oliver Morrissey, Ricardo A. Lopez and Kishor Sharma (eds.), 2015, Handbook on Trade and Development, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Wei Jia and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2021, Foreign Direct Investment, Product Sophistication and the Demand for Skilled and Unskilled Labor in Chilean Manufacturing, Journal of Development Studies 57(1): 70-87.
  • Julian Emami-Namini, Giovanni Facchini and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2015, A Model of Firm Heterogeneity in Factor Intensities and International Trade, Canadian Journal of Economics 48(3): 1456-80.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez and Huong Nguyen, 2015, Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Imports of Intermediate Inputs: A Microeconometric Analysis of Chilean Manufacturing Plants, Review of International Economics 23(5): 972-95.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, Foreign Technology Acquisition and Changes in the Real Exchange Rate, The World Economy 38(4): 613-28.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2014, Access to Banking Finance and Exporting, Industrial and Corporate Change 23(6): 1523-39.
  • Julian Emami-Namini, Giovanni Facchini and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2013, Export Growth and Firm Survival, Economics Letters 120(3): 481-86.
  • Julian Emami-Namini and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2013, Factor Price Overshooting with Trade Liberalization: Theory and Evidence, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 60(2): 139-81.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2013, Financial Development and Exporting in Chilean Plants, Review of World Economics 149(1): 183-207.
  • Roberto Alvarez, Hasan Faruq and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2013, Is Previous Export Experience Important for New Exports? Journal of Development Studies 49(3): 426-41.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2012, Trade Liberalization and Industry Dynamics,  Open Economies Review  23(4): 579-95.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez and Niru Yadav, 2010, Imports of Intermediate Inputs and Spillover Effects: Evidence from Chilean Plants, Journal of Development Studies  46(8): 1385-1403.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez and Jens Südekum, 2009, Vertical Industry Relations, Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Chilean Plants, Journal of Regional Science  49(4): 721-47.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2009, Do Firms Increase Productivity in Order to Become Exporters? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 71(5): 621-42.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2009, Skill Upgrading and the Real Exchange Rate, The World Economy 32(8): 1165-79.
  • International Study Group on Exports and Productivity (Co-author), 2008, Understanding Cross-Country Differences in Exporter Premia – Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries, Review of World Economics 144(4): 596-635.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2008, Is Exporting a Source of Productivity Spillovers? Review of World Economics 144(4): 723- 49.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2008, Entry and Exit in International Markets: Evidence from Chilean Data, Review of International Economics 16(4): 692-708.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2008, Foreign Technology Acquisition, Spillovers, and Sunk Costs: Evidence from Plant-Level Data, Economics Bulletin 15(11): 1-7.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2008, Foreign Technology Licensing, Productivity, and Spillovers, World Development 36(4): 560-74.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2006, Imports of Intermediate Inputs and Plant Survival, Economics Letters 92(1): 58-62.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2005, Exporting and Performance: Evidence from Chilean Plants, Canadian Journal of Economics 38(4): 1384-1400.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2005, Trade and Growth: Reconciling the Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Evidence, Journal of Economic Surveys 19(4): 623-48.
  • Roberto Alvarez and Ricardo A. Lopez, 2004, Export Orientation and Productivity in the Chilean Manufacturing Industry, Latin American Journal of Economics 41(124): 315-43.

Book Chapter

  • Ricardo A. Lopez and Kathleen McQueeney, 2020, The Effects of Public Sector Governance on Trade: Does Foreign Trade Facilitation Improve Export Performance? in C. Erbil and F. Rivera Batiz (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Economics and Global Trade, Volume 3: International Trade and Commercial Policy, World Scientific Publishers.

Book Reviews

  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2020, An Introduction to Behavioral Economics: Using Psychology to Explain Economic Behavior – A Review of Behavioral Economics: The Basics by P. Corr and A. Plagnol,  Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2007, Trade, Growth and Inequality in the Era of Globalization by K. Sharma and O. Morrissey, Journal of International Development 19(3): 444-6.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2006, The WTO, Developing Countries and the Doha Development Agenda: Prospects and Challenges for Trade-Led Growth by B. Guha-Khasnobis, Journal of International Development 18(5): 741-2.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2006, Trade Policy, Growth and Poverty in Asian Developing Countries by K. Sharma, Journal of International Development 18(2): 296-7.
  • Ricardo A. Lopez, 2005, Trade and Development: New Directions for the 21st Century by J. Toye, Journal of International Development 17(5): 705-6.

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024