
Michael W. Perry et al.

Litigation Release No. 22502 / October 1, 2012

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Michael W. Perry et al.,
Civil Action No. CV 11-1309 R (JCx) (C. D. Cal. filed February 11, 2011)


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that on September 28, 2012, the United States District Court for the Central District of California entered a settled final judgment as to Michael W. Perry, the former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of IndyMac Bancorp, Inc. IndyMac, through its main subsidiary, IndyMac Bank, primarily made, purchased, and sold residential mortgage loans. In July 2008, IndyMac Bank was placed under Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation receivership and IndyMac filed for bankruptcy. The Commission's complaint alleges that IndyMac and Perry, in connection with IndyMac's first quarter 2008 Forms 10-Q and 8-K and related earnings call, all dated May 12, 2008, failed to disclose that IndyMac Bank had only been able to maintain its well-capitalized regulatory status by retroactively including in IndyMac's first quarter capital balance an $18 million capital contribution from IndyMac to IndyMac Bank, even though it was made on May 9, 2008, over five weeks after the end of the first quarter.

Without admitting or denying the allegations in the complaint, Perry consented to the entry of the Final Judgment permanently enjoining him from future violations of Section 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, and ordering him to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $80,000.

See also: Litigation Release No. 21853.


Last Reviewed or Updated: June 27, 2023