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Important Note: The content on this page is dated and you are being redirected to Enforcement Cooperation Program for the most recent information about the SEC Enforcement Division’s Cooperation Program. This page will be deleted in the near future. Please update your bookmarks.

Cooperation Program Agreements

This page provides links to public cooperation-related agreements.

 Enforcement Cooperation Initiative

DateThe dates in this column represents the month and year when the agreements were posted on the SEC website. Agreement
July 2012 Amish Helping Fund
The Commission entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the Amish Helping Fund in recognition of its cooperation in the SEC's investigation and its agreement to undertake specified remedial measures to ensure compliance with the federal securities laws.
December 2011 Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
The Commission entered into Non Prosecution Agreements with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in recognition of each company's agreement to cooperate with the Commission's litigation against the former senior executives. In entering into these Agreements, the Commission considered the unique circumstances presented by the companies' current status, including the financial support provided to the companies by the U.S. Treasury, the role of the Federal Housing Finance Agency as conservator of each company, and the costs that may be imposed on U.S. taxpayers.
May 2011 Tenaris S.A.
The Commission entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Tenaris S.A. to facilitate and reward cooperation in SEC investigations.
Dec. 2010 Carter's, Inc.
The Commission entered into a Non-Prosecution Agreement with Carter's, Inc. in connection with an investigation relating to potential financial fraud.

Modified: 06/20/2014