Subject: File No. S7-25-99
From: Melissa K Hammel
Affiliation: CFP, NAPFA Registered Advisor

September 17, 2004

On behalf of our firm, I am submitting this comment regarding the proposed rule: Certain Broker-Dealers Deemed Not To Be Investment Advisers. Our firm strongly recommends withdrawal of this proposed rule. We urge the SEC to continue its move to protect the investor by withdrawing this rule and holding all to the same requirements.

The consumer already struggles to figure out the difference between a broker and a registered investment advisor. Keeping this proposed rule will only cause more confusion.

After more than 20 years in practice, we have heard many stories from new clients of gross negligence on the part of brokers who just sell products. Please consider our request to withdraw this rule completely and hold us all to a higher standard of practice.

Melissa K. Hammel, CFP
Managing Partner
Hammel Financial Advisory Group, LLC