Subject: File No. S7-25-99
From: Bobbie D Munroe, CFP
Affiliation: President Financial Planning Association of GA

February 1, 2005

Dear Sirs:
Please allow me to comment on the current exclusion of broker dealers who provide planning services as an incidental part of their client relationship and are thus exempt from regulations that apply to those of us who practice financial planning. It is certain that, in their promotional materials, these broker dealers do NOT represent the financial planning service as incidental. Indeed, they consistently tout the value of this service as one of the main reasons clients should choose their companies. You would do the public-- who already labors under massive confusion as to what rules apply to whom-- and the planning profession a distinct dis-service by not requiring these firms to comply with all regulations that govern our industry. Help us build a reputable profession that serves the public. Do not be fooled by semantics. Require these firms to do the right thing.

I thank you in advance for the time and effort you have spent and will spend on this issue. I am confident that you WILL do the right thing.

Bobbie D. Munroe CFP TM