Subject: File No. S7-10-05
From: Megan E Stroinski
Affiliation: Accountancy Student, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

January 31, 2006

It is my opinion that the proposal would complicate the proxy process for both companies and shareholders.

If the proposal were to pass, companies would be placed with the burden of providing hard copies to those shareholders who request them on top of the responsibility of meeting the requirements of the internet process. It may even prove to be more costly to intermittently provide hard copies to the shareholders who request them, rather than using a mass mailing system in which all copies are sent out at the same time.

However, the burden that this proposal would place on shareholders is much greater.

The first problem is simply internet access. Even though we live in a technical world, there are still people who do not have that access. This puts them at an extreme time disadvantage because they are not able to access the information as soon as other shareholders. This proposal should not even be made until 100 percent of shareholders have free access to the internet. Additionally, as mentioned in the proposal, if shareholders have internet access, problems arise with internet speed requirements and even the issue of printing costs.

Finally, I view postings on the internet as simply unprofessional. The postings show a lack of recognition of the valued relationship that companies have with their shareholders. It reveals the cold impersonal relationship that companies should strive to avoid with those that provide their financing.