Subject: File No. S7-03-06
From: Patty Quinn

March 26, 2006

I support this bill with the additions below.

Show us if each Executive's Federal Excise Taxes Are Paid by Investors (some studies show that they are - 52%).

Show The Corporations Total Federal Tax Rate Compared to Middle America federal tax rate.

Show If Executives Can Receive 401K Contributions in Cash Or Stock and if they allow the same treatment to their Management Employee Base

Show the total increase in CEO pay compared to employees over three years.

Show If the Corporation who does only match 401 K revenues in their Company Stock allows the redistribution to other asset classes before the age of 50 or 55

Show if Corporate Foundations are actually funded by managers and employees - and the break down between funding sources.

Show if the Corporation retained executive pension obligations and froze them for their employees.

Show Not only % Pension Funding Obligations but also OPEB (future retiree medical funding which is currently not requred to be disclosed.
