Subject: File No. S7-03-06
From: Don Dean

April 8, 2006

Personally I think we should require them to report their earnings, stock options, benefits and any other capital/cash that they receive as compensation or perks for anything related to work.

Also I think it is absolutely irresponsible for to allow them to be compensated to the tune of $10 million a year (average CEO wages to include Salary and other perks. It would take the average worker making $18/hr (36K/yr) 277 Years to make as much as the average CEO makes in one year. If you only factor the actual salary that a CEO makes (818,000) that is only 22.72 years that the average worker needs to work to "earn" as much. In other words the gap between the CEO and the average worker it TOTALLY out of whack.

Maybe they need a better publicity machine or something. Because I am quite bitter at most the people that make 10 million a year or more. Bill Gates makes way more but then he donates it various things and doesnt just hoard it.

My position isnt partisan at all. I dont care if you are a Democrat, Republican or a Martian we need to take of each other.

"Whatever the original justification, executive pay did not follow the stock market down after the bust in March 2000.
While major stock indexes fell as much as 80 percent and remain far below their March 2000 highs, executive pay declined about 20 percent from a high of more than 500 times the average worker's earnings in 2000 to 400 in the past two years.
Moreover, executive pay appears to be back on its sharp upward trajectory, thanks to the revival of the stock market. The value of unexercised CEO stock options skyrocketed by 53 percent last year to a median value of $8.3 million, according to Watson Wyatt Worldwide, an executive consulting firm.
When added to an average 8.3 percent increase in base pay to $818,000, and an average 13 percent jump in bonuses to more than $1 million, total CEO compensation last year climbed well to over $10 million on average, according to preliminary Watson estimates." - Washington Times CICRA 2004