Subject: File No. 4-511
From: Robert Kucharuk
Affiliation: Retired Military Officer

April 27, 2006

I have read much in the press about corporate complaints about the cost of Sarbanes Oxley compliance and smaller companies questioning whether they should have to comply. I own a portfolio of a number of individual stocks I have accumulated over the years, large cap and small cap companies. I wholeheartedly support compliance with Sarbanes Oxley requirements for all companies that are listed or file to be listed on any US exchange. The costs may be material for some companies, but if all listed companies have to comply, this is simply a cost of doing business in the US, much like a corporate insurance policy that strengthens a potential investor's faith that corporate activities and reported results can be relied upon to a much greater degree than if there is no compliance. Further, shouldn't the cost of compliance come down in a well managed company over time? The only way to avoid compliance should be by going private.
Thank you for your careful consideration over future implementation of this important legislation. Many members of the investment public will not offer their opinions due to complexities of fully understanding aspects of compliance, and will likely not bother to comment. I guarantee you, however, that many, many would be heard from if a curtailment of compliance for smaller companies results in sudden catastrophic collapse of a company's stock price due to the lack of adequate internal controls.