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Comments on NYSE MKT LLC Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rules 340, 341, and 359 to Extend the Time Within Which a Member or Member Organization or an ATP Holder Must File a Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration

[Release No. 34-78198; File No. SR-NYSEMKT-2016-52]

Submitted Comments

Jan. 16, 2017 Elizabeth King, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, New York Stock Exchange
Jan. 4, 2017 Michele Van Tassel, President, Association of Registration Management (ARM), New York, New York
Nov. 16, 2016 Mike Rothman, President, NASAA President and Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce
Nov. 14, 2016 Edwin L. Reed, Deputy Director, Alabama Securities Commission, Montgomery, Alabama
Nov. 4, 2016 Michele Van Tassel, President, Association of Registration Management (ARM), New York, New York
Oct. 26, 2016 Elizabeth King, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, New York Stock Exchange
Oct. 19, 2016 Kevin A. Zambrowicz, Managing Director & Associate General Counsel, SIFMA
Oct. 3, 2016 Rick A. Fleming, SEC Investor Advocate, and Tracey L. McNeil, SEC Ombudsman
Aug. 12, 2016 Elizabeth King, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, New York Stock Exchange
Aug. 3, 2016 Judith Shaw, President, North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) and Maine Securities Administrator

Meetings with SEC Officials

Oct. 14, 2016 Memorandum from the Office of the Investor Advocate regarding an October 13, 2016, conference call with representatives of North American Securities Administrators Association

Modified: 01/17/2017