Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]:
SEC Accession No. 0000081023-05-000024
Filing Date
2005-11-03 17:28:29
Period of Report

Document Format Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
1 FORM 10-Q f10q_09302005.htm 10-Q 3302951
2 EXHIBIT 4.10 f10q_093005exh410.htm EX-4 568902
3 EXHIBIT 4.11 f10q_093005exh411.htm EX-4 389769
4 EXHIBIT 4.12 f10q_093005exh412.htm EX-4 111880
5 EXHIBIT 10.3 f10q_093005exh103.htm EX-10 9145
6 EXHIBIT 10.4 f10q_093005exh104.htm EX-10 4108
7 EXHIBIT 10.5 f10q_093005exh105.htm EX-10 3619
8 EXHIBIT 10.30 f10q_093005exh1030.htm EX-10 21395
9 EXHIBIT 10.31 f10q_093005exh1031.htm EX-10 50171
10 EXHIBIT 12.1 f10q_093005exh121.htm EX-12 52127
11 EXHIBIT 12.2 f10q_093005exh122.htm EX-12 62903
12 EXHIBIT 31.1 f10q_093005exh311.htm EX-31 6020
13 EXHIBIT 31.2 f10q_093005exh312.htm EX-31 6035
14 EXHIBIT 31.3 f10q_093005exh313.htm EX-31 5296
15 EXHIBIT 31.4 f10q_093005exh314.htm EX-31 5292
16 EXHIBIT 32.1 f10q_093005exh321.htm EX-32 3566
17 EXHIBIT 32.2 f10q_093005exh322.htm EX-32 3570
18 EXHIBIT 32.3 f10q_093005exh323.htm EX-32 3445
19 EXHIBIT 32.4 f10q_093005exh324.htm EX-32 3516
20 EXHIBIT 99.1 f10q_093005exh991.htm EX-99 80886
21 EXHIBIT 99.2 f10q_093005exh992.htm EX-99 238949
22 EXHIBIT 99.3 f10q_093005exh993.htm EX-99 168190
  Complete submission text file 0000081023-05-000024.txt   5103136
Mailing Address
Business Address ALVARADO SQUARE, MS2706 ALBUQUERQUE NM 87158 5058482700
PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF NEW MEXICO (Filer) CIK: 0000081023 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 850019030 | State of Incorp.: NM | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Type: 10-Q | Act: 34 | File No.: 001-06986 | Film No.: 051177945
SIC: 4931 Electric & Other Services Combined