Subject: Rule changes, comment letter April 13, 1998 Mr. Jonathan Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 Dear Mr. Katz: It has been brought to my attention that per File No. SR-NASD-98-21 the NASD is considering expanding the Actual Quote Size Rule beyond the original pilot study to the rest of the NASDAQ market. As part of the trading public I am both surprised and extremely discouraged that this is even being considered. I have been day trading on the NASDAQ market for the past three years and have seen the effects of several new rules that have been implemented during that time. It has become virtually impossible to get out of a position in times of stress on a stock due to the new order handling rules and the Actual Quote Rule. When a stock comes under stress the market makers reduce there quotes to 100 shares and put 100 share orders on the inside bid or offer via an ECN. This blocks my access to the rapidly disappearing market makers below and the end result are that the actual liquidity is dramatically reduced. Thus the task of trading out of as few as 1000 shares without extreme movements in the stock price becomes virtually impossible. Please consider that the Small Order Execution System was established to prevent this exact situation from happening. As a small investor I hope you will take the necessary steps to prevent the implementation of this rule and to make the NASDAQ a fair and equitable market for small investors such as myself. Sincerely, Scott Pohli Private Investor Austin, Texas (512) 472-0877