Subject: Rule Filing SR-NASD-98-21 Date: 4/13/98 6:13 PM As a public customer of the NASDAQ and a frequent stock trader, I am strongly opposed to allowing market makers to continue to quote NASDAQ stocks as low as 100 shares. Just as SOES customers are limited to 1,000 shares, market makers should be required to bid or offer the same quantity at a minimum. Since this 100 share pilot program began in January 1997, the effective spread has been significantly increased and, for the stocks which I routinely trade, market liquidity has been reduced. In addition, it is obvious to even a casual observer that the market makers consistently block their quotes from SOES executions through the use of ECNs. This is nothing more than overt market manipulation. It appears to me that adoption of the 100 share quote rule will only serve to enrich the market makers at the expense of the general public.