From: Kevin [] Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 11:27 AM To: Subject: Release No. 34-47365 file No. SR-DTC To whom it may concern. I can't believe you are actually allowing the DTC to make policy , and apply for rule changes on the fly, in order to cover their oblious and blatent inability to implement their very own mandate. That is to correctly and properly watch over and clear securities that flow back and forth in the securities industry. Now that over 60 companies have clearly uncovered Just one of the more serious flaws in the system that is and has been used to fleece the unsuspecting public out of it's precious investment dollars, you are about to allow the very individuals we turn to for investment advice to white wash the problem, and go merrily on their way. As a shareholder in a company ( PCBM ) which is believed to have a naked short position in excess of 5 billion shares, I am appaled that you are even concidering allowing the DTC to slide this under the door. You need to be forcing them to do their job as it exsists now, on such actions as fail to deliver's, ,good delivery, T3, hard to borrow's, etc, and You might also want to send a stronger signal to the Canadian side of this equation as well as we all know the effect that pipeline is having on this problem of naked shorting. This problem of off shore and naked short selling has grown far to big to just be swept under the rug, and if you allow the DTC to side step their responsibility you may well find the investing public breathing down your neck in a way that will make the Arthur Anderson debacle feel like a cool breeze. Lastly the fines you hand out to groups like Rhino( 1 million) are a joke, and do nothing to put and end to this problem. Common sense dictates that a reversal of the flow of money from the naked short sellers hands back into the good honest long's hands, will send a far stronger signal to those who would like to manipulate the system illegally for their own gain. Not to mention the tax implication, of which in todays enviroment, there are none. Then you can go in and fix the rules, properly , fairly , and correctly. Yours sincerely Kevin Cundy 89 Marquis Place Airdrie ,Alberta , Canada T4A-1Z2