From: Chadwick [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:39 PM To: Subject: Re: BOX - SR-BSE-2002-15 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-060 Mr. Katz: I am just writing to explain that I would greatly appreciate your quick approval of the Boston Options Exchange. I understand why many exchanges and their business partners might want to delay/stop the approval of said exchange due to it's superiority in option price improvement. I plead that you closely evaluate the nature of the proposal and consider that it would only allow for customers/traders to be filled at more competative prices. This exchange is actually proposing option pricing rules which is similar to decimalization which was already inacted on stocks about 3-4 years ago and has allowed for better competative pricing. If you've ever traded options, I am certain that you are aware that the spread between the bid/ask can kill an investor/trader, and it's the exchanges and their business affiliates that have setup rules that make it possible for only them to benefit from this: traders/investors cannot make markets. At any rate, I've rambled a little, but I implore you to allow for a free and unihibited options exchange between businessmen at the Boston Options Exchange. The options exchanges have been monopolies for long enough. I'm just requesting that you allow for capitalism and competition, return. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Chadwick McHugh